Chapter 18

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  Hi!! Sorry for the late update, I had to go to the YMCA and teach my brothers how to swim. WORST.EXPERIANCE.EVER. So bare with me on this chapter. I am so tired and can't feel my legs, which probably isn't a good thing. Enjoy!! (This is my first chapter where I have about a thousand words, I'm improving, yay!) Ariana's outfit above!


I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs, wafting through my nose.

My stomach rolled, and I rushed to the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach.

My hair was gently pulled back, and Aiden flushed the toilet when I was done.

"Thanks." I whispered, my throat aching.

"Anytime princess, has this happened before?"

I shook my head, it was the first time I had experianced morning sickness.

Aiden got up, and offered me his hand.

I placed mine in his, and he helped me up.

Hand in hand we walked to the kitchen, and my stomach grumbled.

"Well I guess the baby is hungry, and so am I." I spoke sheepishly.

Aiden chuckled, and made me a plate of scrambled eggs, blueberry muffins and bacon.

I dived in to the food, stuffing my face with eggs, and sighed blissfily at the fresh taste.

I caught Aiden smirking at me, and I blushed.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked.

He nodded and I proceeded eating my breakfast.

I finished quickly and washed the dishes.

Drying my hands, I joined Aiden on the couch, putting my head on his shoulder, while he wrapped his arms around me.

We watched a football game, which Aiden seemed really in to.

I didn't pay much attention, I wasn't that type of girl.

The game ended, and Aiden turned the TV off.

He turned to me before speaking.

"I think we should go to the pack doctor, to find out the reason for the heat, while you are pregnant situation."

I nodded and spoke.

"Okay, give me 20 minutes, and then we can leave."

Aiden nodded, and started tapping away at his phone.

I turned and grabbed a towel off the hamper, and walked in to the bathroom.

I quickly stripped out of my pajamas, and stepped in to the walk-in shower.

Letting the streams of water run over my body, soothing my muscles.

I washed my hair and body with soap, and rinsed quickly.

Turning the tap off, and wrapping the towel around me.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself.

I chose a simple, yet pretty outfit, dark jeans, a white tank top, and black boots.

I kept my makeup light, a swipe of mascara, and some lipstick.

With that I walked to the living room, where Aiden was waiting.

He looked up and smiled.

He leaned down to kiss my lips softly, before whispering, "You look beautiful."

I smiled at the compliment, and wiped away lipstick from his lips with my thumb.

He kissed my thumb, and grabbed my hand, both of us walking out of my apartment.

Outside, a sleek Porsche awaited.

The drive to the pack house, was silent, with soft jazz playing in the backround.

We drove for about half an hour, before pulling up into a driveway.

The house was gated, and the guard bowed slightly when we approached.

I let out a low whistle as we approached the mansion.

It was huge, with some scattered toys on the lawn, but otherwise very neat.

"I want you to meet my beta first, before the doctor." Aiden spoke.

I tensed slightly, but Aiden kissed me on the forehead, relaxing me.

We walked through the door, and I did a double take.

The inside of the house was the perfect fairytale home, with a grand staircase, that winded up.

There where many windows, and the house was very open.

Aiden led me upstairs, and took many turns, ending up at a dark wooden door.

He opened the door, it was a huge, yet comfy office.

Aiden sat down on the leather chair, behind the desk, and pulled me to his lap.

I wiggled around on his lap, trying to find a comfertable position.

Hands where at my waist, that stopped my hips from moving, and Aiden whispered in my ear.

"Stop moving around like that, or I will take you on this desk."

I stopped moving and blushed.

"Just call your beta." I said, rolling my eyes.

He smirked, and his eyes glazed over, which meant he was mindlinking someone, another great power werewolves had.

"He is on his way."

I fidgeted, my nerves getting the best of me.

Aiden rubbed my belly, calming me down.

The baby, Aiden and I all had a strong emotional connection, espicially because Aiden was an Alpha.

A knock sounded through the room.

"Come in." Aiden spoke, authority in his voice.

The door opened, and my eyes went to the Beta, walking in.

My jaw dropped in shock.

"Arianaa, honey, meet Grant Anderson, my beta.
Muhahaha, I left you all at a cliffhanger.

Anyone see that coming?
Hopefully no.

I made this chapter equal to two chapters, so there won't be a double update tommorow, or maybe there will idk

But who saw that coming?!
Anywho, if you have any questions comment them and please promote this story!

Who likes this book so far? Be honest! Negative critisism is gladly accepted!

Just don't be rude about, keep in mind I am only 13!

Love you all!

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