Chapter 16

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Hope ya'll are enjoying my book, as much as I am enjoying writing it. This chapter was longer :-)
I woke with a pounding headache and a sore body.

"Good, your awake." a masculine voice spoke.

I screamed, and he kissed me, muffling my scream.

I immediatly responded to the kiss, sparks going off, like an atomic bomb.

I pushed him away reluctantly.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I spoke to him, trying to be as calm as possible.

He sighed, "I have a lot of explanning to do, don't I?"

"Hell yeah." I fumed.

"I'm a werewolf."

I choked, and laughed hysterically.

Stopping when I noticed his blank expression.

"You can't be serious, the next think your going to tell me that vampires are real."

He nodded grimly. "Unfortunately."

"I don't belive you, prove it, shift and then I will belive you."

He raised his eyebrows in suprise, " How do you know what shifting is?"

I blushed under his intense gaze. " I've read a couple werewolf books." I admitted.

His expression held amusement, yet determination.

I waited patiently, and then I heard the sick sound of bones cracking as Aiden hunched over and sprouted midnight black fur.

I backed away in utter shock, nocking over a lamp, which shattered at the impact.

The animal walked closer to me, nuzzling my hand, and licking it lightly.

"Aiden!" I whined, rubbing my hand on my leg in digust.

He just gave me wolfish grin and just stared at me.

I raised my hand, slowly, and rubbed the top of his head.

He growled lowly as I continued stroking his extremly soft fur.

"Can you shift back, we still have to talk."

Bones cracked back into place and the result was an extremly naked man.

I turned around, my face a burning red and he chuckled.

I heard some rustling, then a voice.

"You can turn aroind know." he spoke.

I turned around, Aiden had slipped on boxers that hung low on his hips.

My mouth watered at the sight of him, he had an eight pack, a freaking eight pack!

"Done checking me out yet?" he asked cockily.

" Nah, but have you seen Channing Tatum?" I spoke with a hint of dreamy-ness in my voice.

There was a loud growl, and before I knew it I was slammed up against the wall.

"Mine!" he snarled, viciously.

I cried out in pain. "The baby." I whimpered.

He immediatly let go, and was down on his knees, lifting my shirt up, and kissing my belly.

I hid a smirk, good to know my acting skills worked.

Continuing my act, "You hurt me!" I whispered accusingly.

"I'm sorry, baby, so sorry.",guilt in his eyes.

Leaning down he whispered, "You really think I fell for that, princess."

I was shocked, but recovered quickly. "What do you mean?" I pouted.

He smirked knowingly.

I felt a headache coming on, so I escaped from Aiden's grasp to take some Tylenol.

I reached the medicine cabinet, and started sweating buckets.

Taking the small pill in my hand and swallowing it with a glass of water.

Aiden walked in the room.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" I asked.

He narrowed his eyes at me, and sniffed the air.

His eyes suddenly turned black.

"Your in heat."

Hi guys!!

Another cliffhanger lol!!

So what did you think about this chapter?

What about her in heat?

Promote this story please!!


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