Chapter 9

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Here is the double update, the second one. Sorry it was later in the day, I was painting my room. What did the everyone do today? Hope you had an amazing day!! Enjoy ;-)


My arm throbbed in pain as I reached for the tray of hospital food. 

I opened the lid of the plastic container, and a heavenly scent wafted my senses. 

Creamy mac-n-cheese  was just what I needed.

I frantically searched for a spoon, and grinned triumphantly when I found it. Nothing came between me and my mac-n-cheese.

I took a bite, and the delicious flavor invaded my tongue. I moaned at the taste- just as Grant walked in.

I blushed and looked down, fiddling with my fingers, until he cleared his throat. 

"You don't know, don't you." he sighed.

I looked up at him confused as ever.

I took deep breaths's, preparing myself for whatever the bad news was.

I didn't know how the next few words could change my life forever.

"Your pregnant." Grant hissed.

My face went pale as I tried to process the fact that there was a child growing inside of me.

My child.

As soon as the words processed in my mind, fresh tears streamed down my face.

Grant just stared down at me, his eyes softening, just for a second as he watched my tears, but hardened again when a woman's voice rang throughout the room.

"Grant, babe, can you-" she called out as she entered the room, but cut off when she noticed me.

"Adriana, I told you this already, we are at a hospital, act professional." he scolded lightly.

The tension in the room had already been lifted as she had entered the room.

Adriana was stunning. She had short, blonde hair that tickled her chin and piercing blue eyes.

I hated her already.

Grant cleared his throat. "Ms. Reece, this is Adriana Cane, my girlfriend, Adriana this is Ms. Arianna Reece, my former patient. 

His words hurt me deeply.

Of course he had a girlfriend, I thought to myself, and of course I was just a patient to him.

"Adriana, I will meet up with you in a second, I have something important I have to do."

"You know where to find me." she spoke seductively as she walked out.

I glanced at Grant, and again he cleared his throat.

"Sorry about that, she usually doesn't barge in like that."

Now it was my turn to be mad.

" You could have told me you had someone in your life! " I yelled at him.

"You could have too!" he yelled right back.

"Yeah, well the father of this baby won't be in our lives."

"Why the hell not?" he asked enraged.

I looked away.

Grant grabbed my hand, as he spoke softly.

"Tell me."

I snatched my hand away from his, and hissed "You have a girlfriend, what the hell are you doing and why are you asking?!"

"I care about you Ari that's why."

I snorted.

"Tell me." he demanded.

I hesitated, and then told him everything that I had kept bottled up.

A vein in his neck pulsed as I told him about Brad, and he inhaled sharply as I told him about the morning I woke up next to the mysterious stranger.

He listened intently to my story and tried to keep his temper in check.

I finished and a silence took over the room. 

I waited for the yelling, but nothing came.

Grant breathed in deeply.

"I have one question for you." he said.

I nodded my head as he continued.

"Where you a virgin?" he asked slowly.

I looked down at my lap and played with the hem of my hospital gown.

"You already know the answer to that." I whispered softly.

"Dammit, you where!" Grant suddenly got up and punched the wall beside him.

He winced inwardly as the pain settled in his body.

I took his aching fist in my hand, and gently massaged it.

"What the hell where you thinking, you could have gotten hurt!"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

"Damn right you weren't."

"How about you kiss it better?" he asked with a small grin splaying on his lips.

"You can get your girlfriend to do that for you." I said as I dropped his hand and looked away.

"Your jealous of her, aren't you?" he exclaimed. 

"No I am not." I protested, not being convincing at all.

"Yes, you are." he laughed. 

"No I am not!!" 

"Sure, whatever you say."

  Another comfortable silence settled over us.

Grant sighed heavily.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Well whatever you do, I will be there every step of the way." he reassured.

"What about your girlfriend?" I asked. " Won't she get suspicious about all of this time that we are, or will be spending together?"

"No, she'll be fine."

I smirked," Of course she will."

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?"

I just smiled at him. 

"Well I have to go get my lady." he said, standing up. " Get some sleep, you and the baby will need it."

He gently kissed my forehead.

I then did something I never thought I would do.

I turned my head around and kissed him.



Omg they kissed!!! Your welcome to all those on Team Grant! *Cough* MysticDEWwolfe *Cough*

But I'm just curious, who is on Team Baby Daddy??

This chapter took forever to write because I kept getting stuck, but you did deserve this.

What do you think will happen with Adriana?

How will this work out?

Do any of you have any questions for me? I will gladly answer them!!

Have an amazing day/night!! Sorry for the mistakes!! I still need an editor so if anyone of my amazing readers knows a good editor please tell me!! It will mean more than you think...



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