Chapter 2

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 Yes, I chose Taylor Swift's New song "Bad Blood", and yes I really like this song because she looks amazing and this chapter is based off of girl power and girls you don't need to be insecure about your body or of your face, because we all are beautiful in god's eyes, which is the most important thing of all. One day you will find your soul mate, and when you do, just remember me!! I just found out that one of my friend's used to cut herself because she thought she was ugly. She almost bled out and died. Now she is better with the help of her friends and counselor, so please if you know someone who is going through this and they tell you not to tell anyone, or they wont be your friend please do tell someone you trust because if you don't it might be too late. Just keep this in mind!! Thank You!!!

I cried and cried and cried some more. "I loved Brad", I told my best friend's Sarah and Paige. They shushed me and told me everything was going to be okay.

Sarah and Paige had been my best friends since preschool. They had been so nice to me on the first day of school, that I thought that they where angel's. I laughed as the memory came back to me.

"You know what, screw this", Sarah said. " We are not going to sit around and let a guy mess with your heart's like this, we need to go out and think about us for a change", she continued, " Lets go out and get drunk",Paige yelled.

I silently agreed, I needed to get Brad off of my mind, and what not a better way to do it then to drink my worries away?" Where something hot", Paige said with determination. "We are going to get you another man",Sarah said, winking at me.

I wanted to say no, but whenever Paige and Sarah get something on there mind, there will be nothing to stop them, absolutely nothing. I sighed in defeat, while Sarah and Paige dragged me to my room to get ready.

Sarah got busy going through my closet and to find the tightest and the most slinky dress that she could find. She groaned and glared at me when she only found sweatpants and tank top's. "There comfy", I admitted sheepishly. "I think I have a dress in my car that you can borrow",Sarah said. I groaned, but nodded.

While Sarah got the dress from her car, Paige got busy with my hair and makeup. She started prepping my face and didn't let me look at whatever she was doing, so I grabbed my phone and checked Facebook. I went on my page and updated my status to single, and checked Brad's page as well.

What I saw next made my heart drop. Brad had changed his Facebook status to in a relationship with Kayla. "That cheap little-" Paige started looking over my shoulder."Stop" I said softly. " It doesn't matter anymore."I continued.

"Your done",she said. I looked up at my reflection and gasped at what I saw. My hair had been curled back into perfect waves and my eyes were done in smokey way which brought out my light brown eyes. Overall my makeup was natural but I looked amazing.

Sarah came back with the dress and handed it to me. For the second time today, I gasped. It was beautiful.I put it on and assessed myself in the mirror. It was short, and barely covered anything, but instead of looking slutty, it looked amazing. The dress had a sweetheart neckline and was black with a lacy trim. The rest of the dress was tight and hugged my body and my curves that I never knew existed.

"Let's go get drunk!!", Paige yelled. "Yesss!!!", we all cheered.


Hello everybody

This is just a filler type chapter for what happens next. It took me three hours to write this chapter, but it was totally wort it. In the next chapter is where the fun starts so stay tuned!! Oh and if anyone of you want to send me anything that deals with this book, like a cover or something, don't hesitate to. I will probably post it and give you a shout out so if you want to that please don't hesitate to.

Have fun and stay beautiful!!!


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