Chapter 16

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"So, we didn't get to talk much the other day. How are you doing, Jen?" Lisa asks, bringing me back to the present.

I laugh mirthlessly. "I don't even know where to begin to answer that question. To make a long story short. I'm a single mother currently living on my cousin's sofa, and working an awful job."

Her eyes bulge quickly before she gathers herself. "Well, that definitely sounds like a long story. At least one too long to have in a corner shop." She says, while trying to make light of the bomb that I had just dropped on the conversation.

"I understand now isn't the best place but would you be interested in going for a drink one day, we can have a good catch up. Find out what happened after we went off to university."

For a moment, I entertained the idea of having a drink with Lisa and catching up. Reminiscing about the good old days. Telling her all the embarrassing details of the shit show that has become my life.

Then I remember the beginning of the end.

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