Chapter 54

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Lisa – 11 years ago

It's my seventeenth birthday and I'm having all my mates over my house for a little party. Personally, I would have tried to treat the day as any other but mum and Rosé had other ideas. Hence this little soiree.

George, Amelia and of course Rosé were already here along with my family. My sister-in-law was in the kitchen with my parents while my older brother, Nichkhun, was meant to be watching my two nephews. Instead, they were climbing all over Amelia, trying to show her their colouring books. At least my two month old niece was behaving, given the fact that she had been asleep since they arrived.

When the doorbell rings, I jump to get it. I may be waiting for one person in particular to show up but I need to tamp down my response or I'm going to give the game away.

Today, the twenty-seventh of March, is not only my seventeenth birthday but it is also the four month anniversary of Jennie and I being in a relationship. That's right, I've had a girlfriend for four solid months.

Talking of which, I open the door to find Jennie and Hanbin. They greet me with birthday well wishes. I think what the hell and give them both a hug. Having to remind myself that I need to release Jennie quicker than I normally would.

"Everyone's just through here." I say motioning for Hanbin to go first.

As he walks into the living room, Jennie catches my arm. "I've got a present for you but I don't want to give it to you, in front of everyone." She says quietly.

I know she means an actual physical present but I can't help but tease her. With a wiggle of the eyebrows and a half smile, I simply say, "Oh, yeah."

She gives me an eye-roll and the look I've come to know very well, stern but oh so cute. "Will you behave?" she says, with a little laugh, forgetting that we were whispering.

"That is a losing battle, trying to get Lisa to behave." Rosé says from the doorway.

Jennie jumps slightly but I'm confident that Rosé only heard the end of the conversation. "You know that you can't be mean to me today, right?"

"Says who?" Rosé asks, while quirking an eyebrow in the way she always does when we banter.

"I do, because it's my birthday so I also make the rules."

"Yeah, I call bull on that."

We have a silent stare off for a minute before we both break out in a smile. "Are you going to block the door all day or can we come in?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah, duh." Rosé says with a laugh, moving out the way.

Before Jennie can step into the room, I have an idea. "Ohh, while I remember, Jen, I have that book in my room that I was going to show you. Shall we go look at it now before everyone gets here?" I ask, coming up with the excuse to get Jennie alone on the fly. I'm quite proud of myself but Jennie just looks at me confused.

After giving her a tight smile and widen eyes, she cottons on.

"Yeah, okay."

The two of us head upstairs to my room, with Jennie leading the way. She's become a regular guest over the past few months so she knows where everything is.

"You really need to learn how to take a hint." I say with a smile while closing the door behind me.

"Oh, shut up." She says, closing the distance between us and kissing me senseless.

Seriously, wow.

"Mmmm. Now that is a good birthday present." I mumble against her lips.

"That's not your present."

"You really didn't need to get me anything."

"Please, I know nobody else knows, but what kind of girlfriend would I be, if I didn't buy my girlfriend a birthday gift." She scoffs, while reaching into her bag.

With her attention on searching her bag, she doesn't see how much her words mean to me. That's the first time she's said the word 'girlfriend' since the day that we became official. I've wondered for a while now, whether I was more into the relationship than she is. After that kiss though and her words, I feel more confident that we are on an equal footing.

We both sit on the edge of my bed. Jennie is a little more nervous now as she hands over the small box.

"It's not much and you never have to wear it, if you don't want." She says quickly as I get the paper off and open the box. Inside is a silver 'L' on a chain, with an aquamarine stone, my birth stone, in the corner. It's simple in design but that's just what I like in jewellery.

"Help me put it on?" I ask.

"You don't have to because I'm here." She says.

"Jen, it's lovely. Please, help me put it on."

"Okay." She blushes.

After her gentle hands leave my neck, I turn back to her. I kiss her quickly, then take a moment to look at her. Suddenly the desire to say something overtakes me and before I know what's happening, I'm saying, three momentous little words. "I love you."

What happens next is the longest minute of my life.

She freezes and my brain catches up with my mouth. "Okay, that may be too fast and if so, just forget everything I've just said." I rush out.

"I love you too."

My smile can't be contained. Hearing her say those words feels so much better than knowing that I feel that way about her. I'm kissing her again, with hands in her hair, pinning her to the bed.

Between kisses, she gives me half-hearted attempts to remind me that there is a party downstairs for me before reclaiming my lips. I would have been very happy staying there in that moment if it wasn't for Rosé yelling up the stairs to tell me that everyone was here now. When did Alice and Jada arrive?

Damn them all, my girlfriend loves me.

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