Chapter 23

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"Oh please, like you're sleeping with her." This woman scoffs, coming completely out of nowhere.

My back instantly goes up.

"What's that supposed to mean, Jessi?" Lisa asks.

It's very clear to me what she means by that. Okay, I'm not sleeping with her and it is just a fake date, but she is my ex. I was her first girlfriend. I may not be sleeping with her now but I have in the past. She doesn't need to know that it was a decade ago.

"She's not your type, Lisa."

Really Lisa? You slept with this whack job? I know you said it was a low point but come on, she's selling crazy from a mile off.

From what Lisa had told me, this girl was a bit of a groupie to the team, she didn't play but kept turning up. She'd made plays for not only the girls on the team but their partners as well, be that male or female. When she first started hanging around, there was a few sob stories and the team took her in, then they started to realise the truth. They'd tried to get rid of her but she was like smoke from a barbecue. It gets everywhere.

This Jessi girl stands there with her fake blonde hair in a messy bun and glasses. Trying to look like the innocent girl next door. Only the bright red dress that displays her cleavage tells a different story.

"Goes to show how well you know me then." Lisa says. I've got to say I know this is fake but a part of me melts at her words. When I first heard about Lisa having a one-night stand with this girl, I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I've been with three women including Lisa. All of them, I'd know for a little while before getting to that stage. I don't know why it bothered me, but it did.

"You want proof?" I ask. Holding up Lisa's left hand, I point to the freckle on the back. "You see this freckle here. She has a practically identical one on her left foot."

"Doesn't prove..."

"And her left butt cheek."

Both Lisa and Jessi's mouths drop. Lisa recovers from the shock first and looks around slightly embarrassed at the audience forming. I hold my head up high though, how dare this girl insinuate that I'm not good enough for Lisa.

"Still doesn't prove anything, Lisa could have told you that before." Jessi tries to recover but her weak attempt is foiled when Lisa self-consciously asks if it's true that she has a freckle on her butt. She twists a few times as if she could see through her trousers.

We're locked in a silent stand off when one of Lisa's team mates suggest she drop her trousers to prove my case. Suddenly the team pick up the chant for Lisa to show her butt.

Her coach steps in and instead of dispersing the team, she says she will verify the claim.

Shit, I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I look to Lisa sheepishly but she just chuckles in defeat.

"Fine but only coach." She says loud enough to be heard over the team, earning a round of boos. "You know I thought getting dressed up for presentation would make it less likely that I'd end up having to flash someone."

"Less likely?" I ask. What the hell happens at rugby games?

"What goes on tour, stays on tour." She says with a cheeky smile and wink.

Lisa heads to the toilet with her coach, while I have a silent stare-off with Jessi and a few minutes later, they both come out laughing. "Jennie's right." The coach announces, earning a round of cheers off the team. Lisa is patted and ruffled as she makes her way back over to me.

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