Chapter 46

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"Look at Lisa getting all dolled up." One of the boys on my team tease.

"Haven't you heard? She's got a date tonight." Another chimes in.

I make a show of rolling my eyes at them before deciding to give them the middle finger as well. They take it in jest and laugh.

"Right, I'm out of here. Bye boys." I say in farewell, walking out the locker room. Almost walking straight into Bambam. "Hey Bam, haven't seen you in a while, how's life with the missus?"

"A few teething problems but nothing serious, it's really good so far. I'm even thinking of proposing sooner rather than later." He smiles brightly.

"That's great to hear. I'd love to catch up but I've actually got a date tonight."

"Oh yeah, with who?" he asks, although the smirk says he already knows the answer.

"With Jen."

"As in your ex? That Jen?"

"Yes, a lot has happened since you moved out and went radio silence on me." Going to go all psychologist on me, I'll bring out the guilt trip. Boom, big guns.

"Sorry, I got caught up in the honeymoon phase." He says, not sounding a tiny bit sorry, instead his voice is full of love for his girlfriend.

"Clearly, and I don't hold it against you. We'll have to meet up one day soon and catch up properly."

"Sounds good. I hope tonight goes as well as you hope for." He says in parting before walking in the locker room.

Bloody psychologist, why wouldn't tonight go well?

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