Chapter 66

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Two weeks later, we make the trip to Busan, opting to stay the night in a hotel. Ella is barely saying goodbye before running off to play with the boys at Jisoo's for the night. She's changed so much in the past year, she's a right little Miss Independent now. Nursery, has really done wonders for her.

When we arrive at the pub, which was our arranged meeting point, Rosé was the only one present.

"Should have known that you would be the first one here." I call out as Rosé spots us entering the pub.

She pounces on me when we get close enough.

"Lisa, it's been too long. And Jen, I'm so glad you made it, I wasn't sure if anyone could get hold of you." Rosé says while pulling Jennie into a hug. Jennie looks a little shocked by the show of affection but takes it in her stride. "I can't wait till everyone's here and we can have a proper catch-up of everyone's lives."

"I'm glad we're doing this." I say, while bouncing on my toes, looking towards the door, wondering who's going to turn up next.

"Lisa, I thought you were bringing your girlfriend?" Rosé asks.

"I did bring her." I answer with a smile. Reaching out and taking Jennie's hand.

"Where is she th..." She totally shocked when she sees our clasped hands. "FUCK OFF!"

Jennie and I break out laughing.

"You're shitting me?" Rosé says.

"Rosé, I believe you know my girlfriend, Jennie Kim."

Before Rosé can react more, the others start arriving.

"Don't say anything." I smile while giving Rosé a warning before the next member of the group arrives. She nods her head, with a conspiratorial smile taking over her face.

When all the drinks are in and everyone is starting to settle into old habits, Jada takes the lead.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so glad that we could arrange a time for all of us to meet up. It's been over ten years since some of us have seen each other and I want a chance to catch-up with everyone tonight."

"Here, here!" George cheers.

"It's been too long but the first person that I want details from is Lisa."

"Oh, would you look at the time, I've got to dash." I joke, while pretending to stand up.

I get a few laughs before Rosé orders me to sit down.

"You said you were bringing your girlfriend." Jada states with a finger pointed at me.

"I did say that and I did bring her." I simply smile back at her.

"Well, where is she? I've been waiting for years to finally meet this girl."

"Ahh, have you been thinking about me all this time, Jada?"

"Not like that..." she says with a quirked eyebrow, "... and stop changing the subject. Where is she?"

"What if I told you that you all already know my girlfriend?"

"What do you mean?" she exchanges a confused look with Amelia.

"What if I told you that she is sitting with us right now?" I say while making a display of putting my arm around Jennie who is sitting next to me.

This is totally me completing another teenage dream, showing off my girlfriend in front of my friends. I love this woman. I loved her then and I love who she has become.

"You're enjoying this way too much." Jennie admonishes me with a warm smile lighting up her face, she's also enjoying this just as much as I am.

"NO WAY! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" Jada exclaims.

"Is this for real!?" Amelia chokes out.

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