Chapter 41

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Lisa – 11 years ago

I open the door and find Rosé standing there. After my revelation today, I didn't really get any time with Rosé to talk about it. I knew that for our friendship, we would need time together, so I passed up time with Jennie knowing that Rosé would pop over at my place. We didn't even need to confirm this, I think we both just knew that this was going to happen. What I didn't know was the outcome. After all, it's not every day that you come out to your friends.

We greet each other a little awkwardly, as I make room for her to enter. "Let's go to my room."

"Do your parents know?" she asks.

"Yup." I told them over the weekend, then my mum told me 'duh'. What I hadn't told Jennie was that my mum also realised that she was my girlfriend. My mum promised to keep her mouth shut about it, because I didn't want to scare Jennie away.

"And they're okay with you having a girl in your room?" she asks, while raising a single eyebrow.

"They haven't stopped me before. Why? Are you afraid that I'm going to jump your bones, Rosé?" I say while smiling over my shoulder.

"Please, I'm way out of your league." She scoffs good-naturedly, while following me up the stairs.

We've started bantering, that's a good sign, maybe today will go well.

We walk into my bedroom and I pause, wondering where to sit. "So..." I start to say before Rosé pulls me into a big hug. Shocked, I take a breath and return the hug. "I love you Rosé, but not like that." I say with a nervous chuckle. She pulls back to hit me before pulling me back in.

"I'm sorry that I've been such a nag. You've been going through all this and I haven't helped. Please tell me that my nagging didn't force you to come out."

"No, Rosé." I say, totally shocked that she would think that way. Pulling out of the hug, I move us both to sit on the bed. "I came out because I couldn't stand not being myself anymore. That probably sounds weird."

"No, no, I understand. You've always been a lesbian but until we all knew, you felt like a part of you was hidden."

"Yeah. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before breaking the news to the others. Rosé, today was one of the scariest moments of my life. I couldn't go through it multiple times."

"I get it, I really do." She says, while putting a comforting arm around me, as I fight to keep my tears at bay. "I'm still your best friend, let's make that clear right now. I promise to keep the talk about boys to a minimum."

"Rosé, you can still talk to me about the guys that you like. I may not understand the attraction but I still want you to talk to me." I say wanting to convince her that nothing needs to change.

"And you can talk to me about girls." She says to me confidently.

"Well, there's only one but she's not ready to come out."

"So, you do have a girlfriend? How long have you been together?"

"We've been together for over a year. I really love her, Rosé."

"Oh boy, it sounds like we have a lot to catch up on, I hope you don't have any other plans for the rest of the night." She says while getting comfortable on the bed, like we'd done many times before.

I laugh and groan slightly, loving the feeling at being able to talk to Rosé openly, even if I have to keep Jennie's identity a secret.

"No other plans."

"First things first, what's this that you don't love me like that? What's your girlfriend got that I don't have?" she jokes, while pulling a couple of funny poses.

I whack her with my pillow. "She has me."

"She's had you, have she? Let's start there, then." She cackles.

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