Chapter 52

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Jennie – 11 years ago

After some deliriously happy amount of time later, Lisa and I are simply lying next to each other. We've long since caught our breath and were just lying there in silence. I've just had sex with my girlfriend, the voice in my head is screaming in joy. It was weird but wonderful. If it wasn't for my body feeling like jelly right about now, I'd be all for doing it with her again. Maybe in an hour or two. Maybe we should have something to eat first, get our strength back. This is a workout that I can very much get behind.

A knock at the front door brings all my wandering thoughts to a halt.

"Are you expecting someone?" Lisa asks.

I sit up and look to my closed bedroom door like it will have answers. "No."

The knocking keeps going, so I throw on a pair of pyjamas and go to investigate.

Lisa covers herself with my dressing gown and peeks her head around the top of the stairs. I peek a look through the window and tense up at whose there. "It's Hanbin!" I whisper shout to Lisa.

"Shit." She mumbles before retreating back to my room.

After taking a calming breath, I open the front door. "Hey Hanbin. What's up?" I say in a very poor attempt at acting normal.

"Like I would let you stay on your own for the weekend." He says while making his way into the living room. I have a moment of panic trying to remember if there would be any evidence of Lisa in there but find the room as clean as when my parents left. Did I not offer her a drink?

"Did we plan this and I just forgot?" I ask following him into the room.

"No, I just thought an unplanned sleepover would be more fun. I want to catch up with you, I feel like we barely see each other lately."

I bite my lip nervously trying to think how I'm going to get out of this situation. Hanbin's right, I have been spending more time with Lisa, as of late. Maybe a night of movies and take-out would be good for us. Then I remember my naked, and hot girlfriend upstairs who I've just slept with for the first time. How can I ask her to leave without it sounding rude? I need to talk to Lisa.

"I'll go get some blankets. Why don't you pick something to watch?"

With Hanbin's focus on the television, I close the door to the living room and run upstairs. Instantly I'm disappointed to find Lisa fully dressed. "You're going?" I ask.

She smiles warmly at me and gathers me in her arms. "This afternoon was amazing but you need to spend time with Hanbin as well. I understand, as I've kind of been blowing Rosé off a lot lately as well."

"You don't have to leave though, the three of us could hang out."

"Jen, if I don't leave now, I'm going to want a repeat of this afternoon and I won't care that Hanbin is in the room. You're too stunning for me to keep my hands off."

"I feel like I've just used you for sex and now I'm kicking you to the curb."

"Well, you kind of are..." she jokes, "... only this is definitely not a one-time thing."

"Better not be." I say while nibbling on her earlobe.

She groans before pulling away, giving me a wag of a finger as a warning.

Quietly the two of us creep down the stairs, me leading the way. At the front door, Lisa plants a kiss that leaves me panting. "I love you." She whispers before shutting the front door behind her.

After quickly trying to fan my face down I walk back into the living room. Depositing the arm full of blankets in the middle of the sofa.

"Who was at the door?" Hanbin asks without looking away from the television.

"Hmm, oh, no... one, it just didn't look like it was closed properly, so I was checking if it was." He takes my lie and moves on to tell me what he has planned for the night.

In the quiet moments though, my mind jumps straight back to Lisa.

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