Chapter 43

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After checking inside the restaurant, I decided to wait outside. The restaurant looks nice and a little fancy with the dimmed lighting. Probably looks totally different in the day time. It's still bright enough outside even though it's half-six in the evening.

The first date I had with Lisa, where we brought Ella along with us on Wednesday was a success. Just the three of us spending the whole day together. Now, it's Saturday, Lisa has been in work today but she gave me a kiss before she left this morning, telling me that she'd see me tonight.

And now it's finally time for our first date.

Ella will be getting ready for bed now, thankfully Jisoo kept the air-mattress that Ella slept on when we stayed over at her place. This is the first time that I will be away from Ella for the night. Lisa even suggested doing something during the day, if I was uncomfortable leaving her overnight. It was the right time and the right circumstance that I felt comfortable leaving her at Jisoo's.

The lights of the dessert shop next door call to me so I peeked inside and see what's on the menu while I wait.

"Jennie, is that you?" a voice that I haven't heard in over two years calls out to me.

What is with this town and bumping into my exes? Unlike the last time this happened with Lisa, this voice is definitely not welcome.

"Deb." I say while nervously turning around.

"I thought that was you." She chuckles, before completely shocking me and coming in for a hug, while placing a kiss on my cheek.

I bring my hands up and make a space between us. What the hell does she think she's doing? How does she think that is appropriate after how she ended things?

"Deb. What are you doing? Why are you here?" I ask confused and a little panicked.

"Sorry, yeah the kiss was a bit too familiar after how things ended. How are you Jennie?" she says, with her confident smile still plastered on her face. Her eyes focused on me, while waiting for my response. She's the only one apart from my parents that call me Jennie, even though I introduce myself as Jen most of the time to friends. At the time she gave me a line about preferring my full name but really it was a controlling factor. I prefer to go by Jen, so that is what I should be called.

"I'm fine, just living nearby now." I find myself answering. Her presence completely throwing my head back in time.

Not in a romantic way but enough that I can't find the anger towards her.

"Your cousin lives near here, doesn't she?"

"Yeah, Jisoo."

"That's it." She says while smiling. I notice that she still hasn't answered my questions.

"Deb, what are you doing here?" I repeat, totally determined not to be ignored again.

"I'm on a date, well, I will be. Have been seeing her for a few months now. Look I want to apologise for how I handled things between us. It really wasn't my finest hour." She says with a self-deprecating chuckle.

"No, it really wasn't."

"I hope that you can forgive me. I've thought about you over the past two years, wondered what gender the baby was."

"A girl." I say shocked at the apology. This was something that I never thought I would see. I feel like I'm dreaming. Is this really happening?

"A girl. Wow, I bet she's as gorgeous as her mother. Oh, my date has arrived, look it was nice seeing you again. I'm glad we could clear the air."

With that she and her date stroll into the restaurant.

Come on Lisa, where are you? Ahh, screw this, I need a drink, and they have a bar in there, I can wait for her there.

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