New story <3

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Hey everyone- I know that there are only a few of you but I appreciate everyone!!

So I am currently on study leave (but I don't have any exams coming up. How stupid!) so I have some free time aside from my psychology work.

I have been thinking for a while about starting a new story, either a Fem OC x Sirius or a wolfstar (Sirius x Remus if you don't know) story. I'm leaning more towards wolfstar so I'm gonna probably make the cover tonight so over the next few days I'll update this story but I'll post the casting and first 1 or 2 chapters.

Don't panic though, I'll keep up with Bookish as she's my baby and I'm sorry I've been neglecting her recently. Don't worry I'll be better for you guys :,)

Much love,
Your caffeine ridden author!<3

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