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Hey loves!!

I'm sorry but I'm messing everything up!!! I'll give my reasons for the cast after so I don't get the hate!!!! I LOVE YOU

I'm sorry but I'm messing everything up!!! I'll give my reasons for the cast after so I don't get the hate!!!! I LOVE YOU REMEMBER!!!🫶🫶🫶

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Gary Oldman as Orion Black.
(Gary Oldman has the figure I want for Orion, small but scary. Yes yes Ik that he's Sirius but tell me the face in the pic isn't that of Orion...)

Eva Green as Walburga Black

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Eva Green as Walburga Black.
(Internet said she was the fancast and I'd have to agree plus I kinda imagine Walburga to be alot younger than Orion and French which she is 👍)


Young Meera Syal as Euphemia Potter

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Young Meera Syal as Euphemia Potter.
(Funny lady, very motherly and a well known actress, perfect for James ma!)

(Funny lady, very motherly and a well known actress, perfect for James ma!)

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Young Colin Firth as Fleamont Potter.
(Now then, I know you're all shouting 'HES SUPPOSED TO BE ORION' but I googled Colin firth and found this pic, tell me he doesn't look like he could be Monty. Plus I loooove Colin Firth and couldn't put him in the place of Orion.)


Young Meryl Streep as Hope Lupin

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Young Meryl Streep as Hope Lupin.
(Look at her, she's perfect for the job)

(Look at her, she's perfect for the job)

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Alexander Skarsgard as Lyall Lupin.
(One of my favourites I can't lie, plus I imagine Lyall to have a weird tash like Alexander here so yeah it was perfect, sorry if you disagree)


Ik you're probably pulling your hair out and I'm sorry but they are perfect and nothing will change my mind!!!!😂

Now I really am sorry for this but...

Now I really am sorry for this but

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Liam Hemsworth as Brodie Wood.
(I needed a dude with a jock build and someone people would probs know, he seemed right!!! Plus yeah go hunger games gale...👀)

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