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Regulus sat at a large oval table, the men and women around him disguised themselves with porcelain masks. He sat next to one of his friends from school a boy named Barty Crouch Jr. Crouch's parents were both ministry officials who adored their son, however he could not love them. He had sandy blonde hair and a strange twitch that controled his upper lip. The boys face was round and innocent aside from a a menacing look in his eyes. The crouch boy was the polar opposite of his parents, rebellious, deviant and a total badass. Together the boys had arrived at Malfoy Manor, accompanied by Regulus' parents. They'd been ushered through a nearly pitch black corridor and into what looked like a dining room. Now they sat awaiting their new Lord.

The people in masks turned to look at one another, occasionally casting glances between the boys. The adults in the room awaited their master in a way that proved their loyalty. Regulus and Barty sat andlooked at each other, occasionally, casting glances at the empty chair at the head of the table. Regulus was terrified, he wanted something to squeeze, something to pop in his hands. He wanted something catestrophic to happen so he could slip it the back door unnoticed. Then a man wearing a long dark cloak entered the room, he had a chiseled face and dark curls similar to James' sat ontop of his head. He was beautiful and if Regulus hadn't been so terrified of him he'd be asking him for a drink. The man went to slam his hands down on the table creating an echoing boom to ricochet around the room. He waved a single finger at the two new boys "come with me.... NOW!" He demanded when they didn't get up from their seats quick enough.

He was shaking violently when his new lord sat Crouch down in an overly large, wooden chair. The bounds which hung loose under the arms appeared to rise and castle themselves to the young boys wrists. Yet crouch stayed calm, very calm. Voldemort (as he liked to be called) rose his pure white, wand up into the air before bringing it harshly down upon the boys arm. Crouch kicked his legs aggressively and his teeth bit down on his twitching lips as he grunted and moaned in pain. His body filled with red hot pain stemming from the man's wand in his arm. Dark lines began to appear on his forearm, swimming from the tip of the Lord's wand. The process was slow and painful as the lines came together to form a skull and snake.

Once the process of branding crouch was over, the man turned to Regulus, reaching his arm towards the young boy. Regulus did not reach back but sat in the chair, complaint free. Every nerve in his body was prickling, sending signals from his brain to every inch of himself. The bounds rose once more and clamped around his wrists. Regulus closed his eyes as the Lord rose his wand and plunged it into the skin on his forearm. The boy began to scream and wail "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"


"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Syd screamed, from her bed as she shot forward to sit up. Lily and Marlene -who were in the bed next to her- also woke up, attempting to calm the girl down. Then they heard footsteps running down the hall way and Syd's bedroom door was thrown open "WHAT HAPPENED?!" James and Sirius were both wielding what they'd class as weapons, James with a heavy lamp and Sirius with his beaters bat. Remus however was there before the other two boys as he was the one to fling the door open as he stood in is Pjs, panic written across his face. Lily had an arm round Syd and Marlene looked terrified. James flicked the lights on quickly "well hello ladies..." He said with a suggestive wink in lily's direction. "Not this again Potter." She said still rubbing Syd's back. Remus barged in and sat on what he thought was the bed, "GERROFF LUPIN!" Marlene shouted, curling her legs up. He mouthed a quick sorry in her direction before hauling Syd towards him "what's up?" He whispered, taking her temperature with his hand.

"He's gone." She breathed. Everyone looked to her for a further explaination. "Regulus. Marked." She shivered, unconsciously leaning into Remus for his warmth. Lily and Marlene gasped as Sirius tutted. Syd's head shot round as she stared down her brother. "What?" He said aggressively. "What?" She said venomously, "You never gave a shit about him is what. You probably think he had a choice and he wanted to be evil... GET OUT!" She screamed at him. Sirius took a couple steps back "Fucking deranged that one." He said to James on his way out. "GET OUT!!" Everyone shouted. James stood by the door glancing between Lily and Syd as Remus tool charge as usual. "Come on, it's 7, you wanna stay in bed or shall I make tea for you all?" He questioned as he heard Mia clattering in the kitchen. Syd was too shocked to speak so marlene nodded for her.

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