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Now, Regulus Artucus Black was an intelligent young man so when his sister came into his room, (after knocking this time) smothered in makeup with her hair elegantly pinned up, he'd had enough. "Sydra you look ridiculous." He sighed and started taking the pins out of her hair. "Trust me, I know. I'm only going to look worse tommorow." The girl sighed and tears rolled down her face. "I don't want to get married to him Reggie." She started to absolutely bawl her eyes out. Reg had never seen someone cry like this before. Syd brought her hands to her eyes, filling them with tears. "I hate him. I fucking hate him so much Reggie..." Her voice was filled with bitterness. "I know you hate him... There must be something we can do..."
"You know there isn't..." She started to cry again, deep, pained sobs echoed around the room. "Come on Syd, go relax for the evening." He sighed and walked his sister to her room.


Regulus was fuming, he hated his family for what they'd done to his siblings. Although he thought Sirius was an absolute knob, he still loved him. And although he thought he sister was rather negative and a bit of a pushover he valued her significantly. The boy had always been brilliant with his words, ever since he was very, very young. He acquired some paper and the boy wrote.

"Dear James Potter,
This will not be the letter you are expecting so I advise you read this in private and whatever you do, do NOT let Sirius know about the contents of this letter.

Sydra is in trouble.

I'm not sure if you know or remember Evan Rosier but he would have been in his final year at Hogwarts when you were in your first. Anyway- Rosier has made himself very clear about his intentions with Sydra. When we got to Scotland, both me and Syd were covered in bruises - this is because of Rosier. The Rosier's and our parents organised Syd and Evan's wedding a while ago and she'd always been too scared to tell anyone, although I do believe she tried to tell Remus but didn't in the end? I'm not sure.

We need help, you know I wouldn't involve you and your family if I didn't seriously mean it. Potter, can you please contact Andromeda telling her everything and tell her that we are in France, at 'Castillo de Annecy'. We have no wands and therefore no way out. It's just a waiting game. Syd is in such a bad place, she's had her wedding dress on today and has cried herself silly, please contact Andromeda.

Regulus Artucus Black,

Ps good luck with tonight's full moon xx"

Regulus tied his letter to the fluffy bird on his window sil and sent it on its way, hoping that it would reach his boyfriend in time.


The afternoon sun was hazy and soon Regulus found himself wandering through the streets, looking for hidden secrets. He'd found a book a few years ago, telling the reader the location of magical entrances across the globe. "Reg are you sure?" Syd asked, her eyes were puffy and her face was tearstained. She wore a white shirt with a checkered skirt and a red beret. "I'm certain, we just need to continue down this way and to the left." All the streets looked the same to the girl. People were staring at the pair, an American couple walked past them "Why couldn't our daughter pick a sophisticated boyfriend like those two?" The husband spoke to his wife. Syd rolled her eyes and stared at them. "Sir, maybe you should just let your daughter be happy, cos golly gosh she's going to be depressed as fuck if you continue with that attitude. And that 'sophisticated boyfriend' is my gay little brother, so why don't you mind your own business and every now and then tell your daughter how much you love her. For the sake of all things magical." Syd said pinching the bridge of her nose. The American couple were horrified at her words, staring at her as they walked past.

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