Chapter 2: What happened at New York?

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Letting you go wasn't the most challenging part. But, still loving you is.

“Does it mean you’re going to give her a try?” she said hopefully blinking her eyes with a bright smile on her face. 

“Nope I just want to know the name!” Stefano said avoiding her gaze trying not to be affected with his sister’s reaction .

“Then forget it and I’ll make sure I put this lady in your rival’s company maybe then you know the treasure you’ve lost” she said creasing her eye brows together.

“Goddamn it Cassie! You’re so impossible!” He said feeling defeated as usual... he ruffled his hair in frustration.

“That’s why you love me fratello!” she stood up and winked at him as Stefano just gave her a killing stare but she didn’t flinch. (brother)

“As much as I love to stay and chit chat with you fratello, I got loads of work to do” she said making her way to the door as Stefano stood up towards her placing his hands in his pocket.

“Cassie!” Stefano resigned feeling frustrated.

“Don’t worry Amore, besides I made sure her work was one of the accessed summited designs here and I heard she passed the first round” she said with a smile as Stefano eyes furrowed together.

“Good Lord Cassie! Without my permission?” he lamented unbelievable...

“said who? In fact, the design coordinator approved her work” she said as he gave his sister this ‘I expected that’ look… he knew his sister was smart so it wasn’t a surprise to him...

“So you mean her name made the three lists Ms. Rennes summited to me this morning in which you interrupted?” he said emphasizing on the interrupted then she chuckled.

“Really? Did she call out the names for you?” she asked with a hopeful look then he nodded as Cassie’s eyes went wide.

“You mean she called out the three?” she asked again not believing her ears
“Not exactly … let me say two out of three” he said uninterested with names called to him.

“Oh…” that’s all Cassie said trying not to destroy all the plans she set for her brother so she kept mute to herself
“Oh?” Stefano creased his brows together.

“Sweetheart, I’ll be on my way now, we'll talk some other day” she said hurriedly checking her wristwatch as she hugged her brother pressing a kiss on his cheek “I’ll miss you” she added before rushing out without waiting for his reply.

An hour and thirty minutes later...

Stefano’s pov

What the hell is wrong with my sister! I know her better than anyone else and I’m sure the main reason she popped at my office without notification hasn’t been addressed yet but…the door burst opened again.

“What the hell! Do you want to break my door?” I fumed who else if not my devilish sister

“What again this time? I thought you had loads of work to do?” I said directing my eyes at her as she maintained a beam smile on her face before ushering her hand to my side pulling me to the love leather sofa... her eyes settled with mine.

The eyes held a lot then I knew that her main purpose for coming up here would finally be revealed now and with that kind of stare… it doesn’t look like a good news and it’s giving me some kind of unwanted chills.

“Achilles” she said calmly as something stirred up in me… that name bring back a lot of memories of someone I tried to erase but failed in doing so and she's aware of that.

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