Chapter 24:I'm Sorry

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Crying is a way your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how broken your heart is.

Bianca's pov

"I know this face" he said with his deep terrorizing voice as a way of entrance or is it greeting...

Trust Marco Alcantara for his straight and direct bullet at you...

He's always known to be a man who will cut to the chase without feeling any need to sublime.

People are afraid whenever he's about to speak, his words alone can pierce you and his glaring looks can leave you shattered.

I've read a lot about him and nobody... I mean no one dares to cross his path trust me, it's not a good story to tell.

I Just bowed at him as my eyes met with his briefly... He gave me this 'what's your name' look.

I shivered again. I'm not sure this man knows about my past with Stefano but I still have to give him my full name if I don't want to enter his wrath.

"Bia-Bianca Bennett" I stuttered through gritted teeth... What's wrong with me? He raised his brows to my side and suddenly his face turned cold.

I give this man 100% at the way his mood easily shift. A moment ago... He had this expression less face and now it's darkly cold.

"Bianca Bennett as in Stefano's leech at high school who lusted after his money and left him at the adhere period" he stated coldly at me.

I shut my eyes embracing the pain that hit me at the leech and 'lusted after his son's money' part. That hit harder than when I was plastered a whore.

" Who let you in my territory?" He fired coldly at me again with a disgusted look.


" I did Father" Cassandra said from nowhere as I released the breath I didn't know I was holding before his eyes shot angrily at Cassandra with the 'care to explain' look.

" Welcome Papi" she said pecking her father on the cheek and for a moment I saw a glimpse of human in him but he hardened his face back.

"What's this thing doing here?" He said without even worrying if I was standing there or not as his word pierced through me again.

"She's Bianca not a thing and it's my birthday so she's my guest" Cassandra said with a frown on her face.

"Do you know who she is? Last I checked she was a golddigger..." He fired blandly at me. I shut my eyes trying to endure everything he was wrongly accusing me of.

"Dad!!!!" Cassandra said in a warning tone as she held her father at arm level.

" The guests are waiting for you" She said and before he could retaliate, she pulled him away with her mouth muttering 'sorry' to me.

I went down and released all the tears that have been fighting it's way down my eyes. I sat near the pillar close to the railings guiding the view of the ocean and stared into the water.

"You shouldn't be here" a voice said as I turned to the familiar figure standing right in my front. I stood up and faced the ocean wiping my last tear silently.

When I thought it wouldn't go too bad but here it's getting worse with the human standing right here with me again.

"Why are you here?" He said again waiting for a reaction or response from me.

I turned facing him. It was quite dark as the illuminated light didn't illuminate this place brightly. It was just shady but his golden pair of eyes were ignited at the ray view of light.

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