Chapter 55:Greece

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They say that your first love never dies. You can put out the flames, but not the fire. - Bonnie Tyler


Immediately the bottle landed in my front facing me, My heart beat skyrocketed as I know Stefano will be the one to ask the question.

Everyone waited as he had this panty smile on his face before his eyes locked with mine.

A shiver coursed through my spine with the way his eyes breath fire on mine.

What is he going to ask me? I asked myself repeatedly trying to steady my breath amd before I could relieve my sigh, he stood up to my side as my heart throbbed faster....what is he doing?

He stopped at my upfront as his expensive nice scent lingered in my nose before squatting down on a knee and saying....

"Will you marry me Bianca Bennett?" I was dumbstruck! I blinked my eyes severally to be sure I heard correctly!

I mean hold on...Stefano Alcantara just asked me to be his wife???

My mouth opened slightly trying to get something out of it but nothing was coming out....the screams that erupted on the table was beyond imagination as my eyes formed in tears.... Say yes..... People echoed repeatedly as I nodded my head...afraid of saying the wrong thing.

His eyes beamed in smile as I replied

"Yes I will marry you"

The claps and screams was deafening as Stefano tossed me up like I weighed nothing and gave me a deep and passionate kiss not minding the presence of his whole workers.

He rested his head on mine as I felt a tear escape from his eyes...."I love you...I love you so much" he said repeatedly trailing kisses around my face as I laughed saying...."I love you Stefano Alcantara....I never stopped!"

He captured my lips again in a deep searing kiss as I wrapped my hands around his neck.... the workers tried to clear their throat...some saying....Congratulations Mr. Alcantara.... Others whispering....get a bed....


"I'm so happy for you Ludovica" My Mom said as I broke the news to her first.

Here I am in my Suite with my Mom sitting on the bed side....

Recently she insisted on moving in with me and I know what that meant....her days was getting nearer and it scares me as hell.

I tried to ignore the pain that coursed through me at the thought of not seeing her again soon.

She was deteriorating no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

She moved closer to me sitting at the middle of the bed, holding my hands firmly before taking a deep breath as I know how hard it is to form words these days for her....

Her vocals were shutting down.

"I may not be here but I'll always be watching you above" she said as her eyes clouded in tears....I could feel mine doing the same...

"Mom don't talk like're scaring me" I said trying to steady my voice as I cannot appear weak in her front.

She smiled lightly " I know he will take care of you and his family are lovely..."She paused trying to stop the tear that threatened to escape her eye but she failed as it fell down profusely.

"I'm sorry again for tearing you apart in the past..."

I could not longer hold back tears as I shut my eyes and let it fall freely...

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