Chapter 56:Best Gift

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Love is everything it’s cracked up to be It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for.” – Erica Jong


I woke up to the fresh breath of the Ocean here at Santorini at the Hay Resort.

This particular Resort was different from every other ones I've been to.

Sun shining, birds singing, sand glistening.

The way the deep blue waters meet the gritty beige sand leaves me in awe.

The water is like a soft blanket, comforting and inviting as my toes played around the cornerstone of the beautiful beach.

Stefano had rushed out this morning after making a breakfast for the both of us without giving me a hint of where he was heading to....

Unfortunately it was my Birthday today yet none of my friends beeped me not even Stefano... I tried to hint him during the breakfast but he was oblivious to it.

I felt lonely and angry at the same time that's why I decided to get fresh air outside the Resort to calm my anger.

I was really sad no one remembered it was my birthday. I checked my phone for the nth time but it was all the same so I gave up and just stared at the waves roll onto white sand beaches and vanishes into non-existence, and another is born and tumbles towards the shore.

The serenity was peaceful and delightful to watch as I shut my eyes to breath in the fresh air and smell of saltiness tingled in my nose.... I don't know how long I was like that until a voice interrupt my peace.

"Hi..." The familiar voice said as I opened my shut eyes.

I looked up using my hands to cover the rays of the sun in order to see the person properly.

"Hey Ivan" I said with a calm smile. I was no longer as angry as I was earlier this seems the ocean's magic works as it was described.

"The Lunch is ready Ma'am...the boss said...

"I'm not hungry..." I cut him off with a hint of anger beneath my voice.... His name is enough to awake my angry cells again. I'm not sure I saw correctly as he chortled in a laugh. Was that funny?

I cocked my brows at him in question..." I'm sorry but I cannot take no for an answer as the Boss will...

"Fire you?" I cut him looking at his direction..." Be rest assured...that will never happen as long as it's you"

"No Ma'am...that's not the issue...and why did you sound so gloomy...are you okay Ma'am?"

"I'm fine just go away" I answered sharply as he chuckled again. He's enjoying this isn't he?

"Ivan..." I warned but what he did next surprised me...He took a sit next to me but kept a little distance from me on the sand beach on his white pants. I furrowed my brows at he really serious right now?

"Since you're refusing to eat then I guess you'll need a company with you for in case you cannot walk again due to hunger" He said glancing at me with a fickle smile on his face.

I was supposed to laugh at his comment but I'm too angry to do that and I'm holding my tears which could explode at anytime as I removed my eyes from him so he will not see the vulnerability within them.

I chose not reply at his snicky comment afraid of my voice cracking....after a long moment, he spoke up and that caught me off guard.

"Happy Birthday" He muttered barely audible as my imagination was telling me otherwise. Probably I was imagining things as my eyes settled back at him.

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