Chapter 31:Forgiveness

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Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends. It can be hardest of all to forgive people we love.~ Rogers

Stefano’s pov

I stared back at my one-time best friend talking to one of his important guests…

Getting my father’s forgiveness is not going to come easy. I forgiving him wasn’t as easy as you think… my mind travelled back to his persistence attitude a year ago when I went towards the junction that reminded me of how we raced together in the past and how I always won ahead of him which always pissed him off…no one ever won against me well except Ivan my bodyguard…he passed me once though …he's a beast… I thought smiling.

“Stefano” I got down from my car to take a better look at the person…who else if not this bastard… Ryder… resting on my sport car with an expressionless face

“Ryder” I said casually putting my hands in my side pockets… I watched him rubbed his palms warily, a habit he cultivated any time his nervous about something as we stared at each other without breaking eye contact

“What are you doing here?” he asked breaking the eye contact first... I frowned

“I should be asking you that” I said still without any glimpse emotion

“I don’t…”

“I’m sorry” he muttered cutting me off from my statement, I furrowed my eyebrow at him… what did he mean?

“I’m sorry I called you a criminal the day you came to my house” he paused trying to get an emotion from me but I was still neutral… so he remembered?  “I’m sorry I looked away… I’m sorry my parent called you names believe me they regretted it and always asked of you to seek for forgiveness…”

“Ryder it’s…”

“I’m sorry I was a brute” he said again cutting me off… I was really trying to control my emotions but it was pretty hard

“I’m sorry I left you… at the time you needed me the most” he said with teary eyes … oh God I could no longer fight back my emotion…as I wiped the tear struggling to fall from my eyes… I can’t be weak now

“I know sorry can’t amend anything but believe me I never forgot you for a single day… every day I kept convincing myself that you wouldn’t do that and the day I finally got the braveness to ask you, I went to your mansion…you were already gone…I was so angry with myself… asking why I pushed you away...” he paused as he wiped the tear that fell from his eyes…

I looked into his eyes and all I could see was regrets … as he looked up to meet my eyes with his puffy eyes…I couldn’t take it as I looked away before I fall for it… I can’t allow myself to be a prey again, I can’t be hurt twice… I was stunned when he held my hand and said...

“I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you Stef” he muttered silently… oh God this is it… okay let’s say I’ve forgiven him… can I still trust him to be my friend again? I really can’t…

“Ryder I don’t…”

“Let’s race again like old times, I know you’re better than me in races but I’ll make sure I don’t lose to you tonight and if I win we’ll be brothers again “ he said cutting me off…this guy really won’t give up… did he think he can win over me? Like hell he can’t… he didn’t even give me the chance to think about it as he dragged me to my car and we drove to the starting point…why am I even agreeing to this?

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