Chapter 39:I miss him

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There are a thousand ways to hurt someone you love that have nothing to do with physical violence.



My mind wandered to where Stefano could have been?

I haven't seen him for two weeks now. I stared at my phone for the millionth time and still no sign of his call nor text.

My heart yearned and ached so much for his presence.

I tried to call him but I could not bring myself to click on the call button.

I wondered if he traveled for a business but at least he could have told me.

Or I did something wrong but the Stefano I know wasn't the type of person to suck things up... He'll tell you about it and settle the matter right away but who am I kidding...

Everything has changed...He's no Longer the 18 years old boy I knew back then, a lot has changed with him and no one can blame him for that.

I tried to think of anything possible that might have gone wrong but nothing was popping on my head.

Honestly I don't know what we are... I'm trying not to put too much meaning or definition to our relationship but it's hard not to think about him. I missed him so much.

A knock came in...

"Come in!" I said dropping my sketch pad.

"Hello... The world renown fashion designer" Giovanna strolled in with her gorgeous smile as I chuckled at her cheesy words.

"Oh please not this morning" I said with a smile dropping my pen.

"How are you beautiful woman?" I chuckled again at her word.

What's wrong with her this morning?

"I'm fine...I trust you're good too?" I asked then she nodded dropping some documents on my desk.

"Guess what!" She grinned loudly.

"What?" I smiled at her to put me out of my mystery.

"Your designs has gotten to the elite society... Victoria Secret, Armani, Tuxedo, and Baily want to work with your designs" she giggled happily.

Victoria secret? Baily? Fucking Tuxedo? Wow... That was really big...I didn't see that coming but I felt good about the information.

"Even the Kinsmen Modeling company want you to be their personal fashion designer...the request is getting out of control...I'm so happy for deserve this" she said facing me squarely with a smile.

"Thank you Giovanna" I replied still on my smile...she has been so sweet to me throughout my staying here at Rome and I won't forget her.

I have less than three months to leave this place.

The days are getting closer in the brink of an eye.

These last two weeks has been hell but Giovanna made me feel better this afternoon with the Information she brought to me about my designs.

I decided to ask her the one question bulging me.

"Is St- Mr. Alcantara in Rome?" I asked trying to pick my words carefully and cursing myself for the slip.

"It's okay...I know about it... " Her smile faded gently as she took a bottle water from the refrigerator and poured herself a glass.

My brows drew together.

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