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Love is like fire, quenchable only when it is reciprocated~Ria


Aman Venice

The heart of Venice facing the Grande Canal... right by the Rialto in the old quarter of San Polo.

They are the essence of splendor as you can dine at the canal garden or the ballroom overlooking with three golden chandeliers and marmorino stucco art.

Here we are at the ballroom as the gigantic west door opened for me to meet with my Husband... Can't believe I just said that.... A thousand years by Christina Perri was tuned in...

Indeed I had died everyday waiting for him...

My eyes watered in tears as I looked at my dashing Man ahead of me standing with the pope...

I was lost in his beautiful golden eyes and enchanting smile that makes my legs weak...

How did I get this lucky to be with such a Fine Man both inside and outside....

Permit me to say Stefano is beautiful as I looked at my right side to the kids he saved back at Cinque Terre...I made sure they are present to witness this day... The smile on the little boy's face is beyond measure as my eyes traveled back to one person that holds my world with him... I love him more than I can explain even more than the song can elucidate...

I traveled back on the memory lane... from the very first moment I saw him play Soccer for Coldstone high school or when I saw him up close at the press interview where our eyes locked for a very brief moment and I could feel my heart explode then... to our very first not very good encounter at the Adriatic Sea... I smiled before my memory lane visited the painful one...

If you should tell me three years ago at this time that I'll be with the only one my heart has ever throbbed for....No one will believe... even I won't believe.

I broke him and broke myself more but the bond between us refused to be broken and brought us back together like a magnet...

My love him has indeed been a journey that started well I can't exactly figure that out but I know the ending is never...

I tried to control my tears but it was falling profusely and that's why I refused to use a mascara as I know it will destroy my dolled up face.

I can't exactly figure why I was crying...From losing my father at a very tender age, losing one of my bestfriends at a similar age and losing my mother last year to being back together to the only one who made me view the world differently.

His hand reached for me... kissing my palms tenderly and I didn't miss the shiver that coursed through my spine as he pulled me closer to his side...

His eyes dropped on me for a long moment holding deep emotions same with mine...we communicated our longing for each other with our eyes with no one talking until the pope begin...


The Reception

"Wow...still finding it hard to picture one of my friends  has been taken today" Finn commented making a pouty face...

A smile flashed across my face as I watch my wife converse with her friends a mile from here...

I still can't believe I'm now married to the love of my life...the only woman that made no effort to make my heart flutter just at her presence....I've loved her from the longest period of my life...even before I met her officially...She has always been the product of my imagination especially her red flaming hair....

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