Chapter 49:The Award Ceremony

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When love comes knocking, you cannot resist it. From the moment I saw her, I knew we were meant to be.



"The ceremony will start in an hour Sir"
Ms. Rennes stated and you wouldn't miss the cackle in her voice.

I nodded briskly as she bowed for the millionth time before leaving my office.

I know she has been so excited for this award ceremony and reason...well I don't know.

I got back from Venice with Bianca and her Mother.

She refused to stay at the hospital so I offered to bring her back here where she can be closer to her daughter.


I watched Emilia while standing at the corner close to Bianca as her hands wouldn't leave her mother's own.

I know she's overwhelmed with guilts but who could blame her.

I meant it when I said I forgave her... I tried to look at where she was coming from and all she wanted to do was protect her daughter.

Any good mother would have done that considering the devious scandal I had to go through but what I didn't know was that...Bianca has held grudges for years on her mother for the issue.

I feel bad for being the reason for their unending thrift.

I really wish we could do something to keep her alive as Bianca deserves a second chance with her mom but cancer was a deadly disease.

My heart tore apart at the sight of Bianca's wary self.

I know she was finding it hard to take in but she was really trying to stay strong and I love her for that.

She's similar to her mother with the few I've gathered after my arrival here.

I saw the longing look on her mother's face before she passed out with the sedative.

She also had a lot of pain she had masked on without letting the world know about but can we really cheat nature?

Pain cannot be bore alone... It will only end up tearing and wearing us out without sharing how we feel with someone.

Judging from the state I saw her... She bore all her pain alone and lashed out to the world thinking it will make her feel better but what she didn't know is that...

Her attempt to escape from pain is what created more pain for her.

Bianca once told me about her father's death...

Emilia must have really loved him so much and that was the beginning of her pain...

"Bi-Bianca" her voice got me out of my trance as Bianca eyes shot up...

" are you feeling? Should I get the doctor?" She said kissing the back of the palm of her mother as she shook her head.

"Help me up" she mumbled quietly as Bianca adjusted the bed and set the pillow at her back.

"I'll be back...let me get the doctor" she said and hurried out without waiting for her mother's response.

Immediately she was out of the room, Emilia's eyes darted at me.

"You're still here?" She muttered quietly... I nodded frantically not trusting my words.

After a brief silence....

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