Chapter 37: Ludovica

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The problem is that when we fight with our moms, we often feel bad about ourselves afterwards. It’s easy to get caught up in the argument and forget what it’s all about: love.


"Landing, Roger" the co pilot I think announced.

My palms were sweaty... I don't know the exact reason I'm nervous...whether for the fact that we came with the helicopter in which was my first or the unknown visit to this beautiful City.

Stefano pulled me up gently and held my hand down the stairs of the chopper. My eyes gleamed at the serene area. This place was really beautiful.

"Welcome Mr. Alcantara" an entourage of Bodyguards and Securities said simultaneously.

I saw him click his tongue in distaste while replying subtly.

I chuckled...I mean he's a billionaire that didn't like a bodyguard not to talk of parade of bodyguards but who is he to decide...

He held my hand side to side and I didn't miss the surprise looks on the guards faces.

I was shy as I tried to release my hands from his but he was adamant as always.

We moved down the railings of the open field that's when I start to hear the shrieking and whirring sounds of machines. This must be one of his industries.

With our hands still clasped together, he took me to a particular wing where the sound was getting heavier.

We stopped and he pointed downward..."what did you see?" He asked with a smile before tilting his head sideways meeting my eyes...he won stop leaving shivers down my spine.

My eyes traveled gently to the direction he proposed leaving me to grasp at the sight before me.

It was a Fashion industry as different styles were being crafted by the sewing machines then my eyes settled on my own design at the right corner.

The sight was beautiful bringing me at the bridge of tears. I could not believe my eyes.

My eyes tilted back to his face which was still plastered with a smile.

"Thank you for making my dream come true" I mouthed at him before he pulled me away from everyone's sight to a particular secluded area of the building and captured my lips with his mouth.

I gasped and smiled as he recessed every corner of my lips.

He tasted so delicious as always. I don't know what we are, we haven't exactly spoken about the past nor define our relationship but I enjoyed everything he's doing to me and my body so I'll go with the flow for now and listen to nothing.


"cosa c'è che non va in te donna? Apparently you were at Venice a week ago for your Friend's wedding and you didn't think it was wise to reach out to your mother!!!" (What is wrong with you woman)

I took the phone far from ears as my mother lashed angrily at the other side of the call.

I sighed. She was right... I didn't visit her because there was no reason to do that.

You can't blame my bad blood with my mother.

"Answer me Ludovica... Where did I fail as your mother?" She kept ranting out so loud.

My body froze at the name she just referred me as... that's the name my Dad fondly called me when he was still alive.

He always said he named me that because no matter the war I face both physically and emotionally that I was always going to win and conquer the war.

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