Chapter 13: Preparing her favorite

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"I shut myself off to make life bearable. I'm like a damn machine sometimes. Unfeeling. Uncaring. Emotionless." - Monica Murph

Stefano Pov

I woke up earlier than usual today or let's just say I didn't get enough sleep as I wanted.

I got back to my penthouse around 3:30am.

I tried to rest but I wasn't able to as I kept tossing around on my bed thinking about her helplessly.

I tried to count the glistening crystals at the side of my room but it's not still helping.

I stood up abruptly and took a cold shower to take my mind off her.

I got back to my bed around 4:20am. The next I opened my eyes again... I saw 6:05 am.

I growled as I stood up from my massive bed and strolled down to my basement for my daily workout.

I worked longer than usual untill I heard a footstep behind me.

" Buorgiono Boss" Ivan said as I shrieked my face at his direction. He chuckled... He knew why I was glaring at him. I've warned him several times to address me by my name but he wouldn't listen.

" I hope you won't wound yourself with workout this morning... I mean it's almost 8 already" he said in a mockery tone glancing briefly at his watch.

I walked passed him picking my bottle water to have a gulp of it and I took my shirt at the other hand walking upstairs back to my room.

" I'll make breakfast" he shouted after me and left to the other end where the kitchen was located. Weird right? We cook for ourselves.

Yeah I'm a great cook along with this bastard here anyways.

I rarely let the housekeeper prepare a meal for me.

Besides I don't let them sleep over at my penthouse. They work thrice a week and that's it.

My Mom tried to hire cooks for me but I rejected them all as many of them bash their lashes at me and put on impossible dressings to seduce me instead of preparing meal for me...

same goes with my Dad who tried to place numerous bodyguards at the entrance of my penthouse... I refused them all but trust my father, you can't go down a lane without a fight with him.

Always impossible. After numerous argument, we settled on two instead of 12 he proposed.

AFTER my cold bath, I joined Ivan in the kitchen who was trying carefully to turn the pancakes on fire.

I went past him and brought out Nutella as pancakes are sweeter when digged into it.

I was trying to dig in the already made pancakes into the Nutella when I felt Ivan's grey eyes on me before he averted it away with a feeble smile on his face. I raised my brows.

" Whhatt?" I asked with a mouthful of pancake

" Nothing" he said faking an innocent face as he turned the last piece of pancake on the fire. What's wrong with him?

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