Chapter 47: Her mother

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Your life is going to be more exciting if you fight for what you want instead of letting go.


"Figlio make sure you bring her for the cuisine party next week" My Mom said after the meal at the second floor balcony immediately I ended the call with my client.

I turned briefly at her "Madre" I said barely audible

"I saw the way you look at her like she's the best thing that has ever happened to you..." She muttered sweetly at me before she held my palms gently.

"I know you've been through a lot probably more than what any child deserved and you handled it better than I ever expected... Some times I wondered what I deserve to have such a sweet child like you... You're smart, you don't allow anyone nor anything to intimidate you..." she paused staring at the blue light coming from the pool.

"The outside world see you as an emotionless person in which you did a good job in acting it out but as your mother I knew better..." She diverted her eyes back to my side...

"Right from the picture of hers you heisted from the hospital without her awareness..." I became rosy in within...I'm sure my face will be crimsoned in red already.

I had travel down the memory lane... I took her picture unaware as she was trying to talk to Nanny Chad on the hospital bed...

"Mommm" My voice was husky than I expected as I tried to maintain a neutral face but trust my Mum to catch on.

"You don't need to be embarrassed Son... It's normal to feel that way...You Know LOVE..." I tucked my hands in my pockets trying not to feel too flustered.

"I'm glad you fought against all odds and found your way back to her..."she said tilting her head sideways to where Bianca was playing with our Siberian husky...that dog is anything but friendly...seeing her warming up to Bianca feels like a mystery.

"Even husky knows how warm she is" My mother commented as we both smiled looking at her direction

"Definitely..." I sipped the glass of G wine on my hand.

"Have you spoken to her mother?"

I almost spilled the wine on my shirt at my Mother's sudden question.

"W-what? I mean... No" I swallowed the lumps on my throat.

That's another hard phase I have to deal with.

"You have to... You cannot just make peace with the daughter without doing the same with the mother" she said and she was right.

Ruby and I haven't discussed anything related to her mother. It was a sensitive topic for her..

"But Mom...she should be the one to make peace with me not the other way round" I muttered silently thinking about what she made Ruby and I to go through.

My mother held my hands around the arm level with her hazel green eyes glowing under the light while piercing it at me.

"She did nothing wrong. As a mother all she did was to protect her daughter so don't blame her..." She paused and stared into my eyes waiting for a reaction from me.

" A man should be ready to do anything for a woman she loves even if it demands groveling to her family."

"Set your pride aside and make things right with her mother and I know you can do it" she concluded with a smile on her lips as my eyes trailed towards Bianca from a distance... I watched how the breeze blow her red hair in a tentative manner. I felt my bulge move...damn it...why does she have to be beautiful at such little gestures.

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