Chapter 50:HAPPY

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Always remember not to give up on your inner self no matter what the world throws at you ~Stefano


"The HAY EMPIRE..." The scream that erupted in the crowd was deafening.

My eyes widened in surprise as series of emotions went through me like electric signals...

all my entourage were grinning from side to side and I was still yet to process it just happened.

I really can't believe this... My friends hugged me tightly as tears welled up in my eyes.

My father and mother came to my side along with Cassandra... I didn't know they were already here.

The way they jumped on me made me feel so achieved. I really hope it's not a dream.

"I'm proud of you Son" My father whispered in my ears as tears formed in his eyes even if he was trying to mask it up and my sister's smile was so bright along with my Mother.

I walked up to the stage with my Sister as everyone could not help but shake and congratulate me on the way.

I nodded with the best smile I could offer as I didn't trust my voice to make the right justice.

Collecting the award made me feel what I cannot exactly explain... I was really happy for this as the Emcee hugged me and held my hands to the crowd saying "did I remember to say he's the youngest Man to ever receive such a global award" he commended with a smile as I tried to smile but I was trying really hard not to be too emotional right now.

Hotelier of the century? Just a wow.

I was given the microphone to speak as I sighed deeply... "Wow... " I started as screams erupted from the crowd yet again.

I tried to steady my voice as best as I could before continuing..."I'm yet to process this...but I want to thank everyone who has made this possible..." I looked at the crowd

"Without your support and loyal services, HAY will be nothing..." I said earning me another scream from the crowd.

"To all my entourage present here and the ones watching this at different locations of the HAY EMPIRE...I want to thank you all for your hardwork, dedication and consistency to make HAY what it is today" I said trying not to get emotional as they all grinned loudly chorusing my name. I smiled.

"To my family..." I looked at my Dad and continued "My father who started the legacy has being my biggest pillar and I'll like to dedicate this award personally to him..." The screams continued as I saw my father being emotional for the first time and it was emotional for me to watch...

"My mother, Sister and of course my best buddies who wasted their gases just to see their asshole of a friend lift the biggest award of his life..." The whole crowd erupted in laughter at my comment but clapped loudly at the same time.


His body stiffened as he looked at my direction.

"I can't find the right word for you... but one thing I know is I love you and you're not just my bodyguard but the brother that I never had" I said as I saw tears formed in his steel grey eyes.

"Thank you so much for being there even at my darkest days..." I smiled at them in the crowd and trust Lucca to make a weird face.

"and I also want to thank the award organization for making me worthy of this award" The shouts continued...

"Cheers to the Longevity of The HAY EMPIRE" the screams tripled...infact I don't know how I could still hear up stage as I dropped the microphone and bowed at the whole crowd and the organizers of the program before making my way down as my sisterr's hand were clutched to my arm and with countless of photographers flashing their blinding cameras at me...

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