Chapter 19: The Cafeteria

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This chapter is dedicated to you reindrea77...
thanks for loving it so far and being the first to comment🥰

I hate it when your mind is telling you to stop loving someone but your heart can't let go

Bianca's pov

I retired back to my suite.

I removed my shoes first to ease my aching legs... Before sitting back on the couch as my mind flew back to when Stefano visited my office.

I'm yet to process the fact that he was there in flesh and not me dreaming and there I was acting like a child...

Gosh it was so embarrassing.

I wondered why he didn't ask Ms. Rennes to retrieve it instead of coming himself to get it... And the fact that he was going to make use of all my designs left me in awe.

I thought he didn't like it. Stefano was hard to predict... I cannot even dare to imagine what could be on his mind because this Stefano has changed from the all Loving sweet teenager to a Cold Multi-Billionaire.

I just hope I'll survive this few months I have to stay at his company.

I stood up and made my way to the room and unbuttoned my shirt at the mirror side.

I stared back at the necklace with my hands curled around it.

I removed my palazzo and threw on a tank top with a short to go with it before returning back to the sitting room and making my way to the kitchen.

I made potato fries and took ketch up from the fridge to go with it. I brought out my favorite yogurt.

I don't understand why my fridge is loaded with yogurts as if the owner knows how much I crave for it.

I sat myself on my couch dipping in my fries inside the ketchup and poured on the plates and I took the remote to watch my favorite telenovela which was to start by 7pm on Telemundo channel titled the 'Queen of hearts' I loved this series a the plots twisted and the love story evolved was amazing and mind blowing before my phone started to ring...

Where's that coming from? Jeez my room... I forced myself up and hurried to the room to retrieve my phone but it ended just as I got the phone so I called back since it's my girlfriend Tirana calling.

"Hello girlfriend!" I said in a beam smile hoping she had forgiven me totally from not telling her about Stefano in the past.

"Fashionista wassup! So I've been hearing about your designs from left and right.... " She said giggly... trust her with her exaggerating personality.

She's being out of the country, busy with her modeling work at Cuba

"Keeping whining yourself huh!" I chuckled

" So how is it going at Mr. Devil's territory? Come on gist me... I mean everything that I've missed" she said and I chortled at her latter word, trust her she'll push it out of me one way or the other so I told her everything from the presentation to how I'm watching a telenovela but I skipped the Stefano uninvited presence at my office to avoid unnecessary teasing.

The following day... My normal routine went on as usual as I put on a black vintage shirt on a jean since it was a Friday.

I packed my hair up and took my purse as I hate bags.

The weird guy was waiting outside as usual and he took me to the company.

I met Stefano along with his bodyguard for the first time on his was to the lobby more like he was coming from his office.

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