Chapter 29:Venice

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You know it's right when you feel undeniable connection and chemistry even if it will break you.

Stefano POV

AT VENETO, my home town Venice that hammered me hard with nail in the heart, that left me with undying pain and guilt I had to carry for the rest of my life …an inerasable scar…if only I was not high, if only I could stop them from entering the room, if only I didn’t bring up the stupid suggestion, if only my brain was functioning properly that day, if only I got there earlier… just if only…

Whenever I visit this town, I must come to this Cemetery first to ask for eternal forgiveness…

“Wait here” I instructed Ivan then he nodded… I picked up the Hyacinth flowers and shut my eyes briefly… am I ready to face her again this year?

I walked towards the garden arena where we specially made as her resting zone. I dropped the Hyacinth I got along and knelt down at the keystones encrypted at the side of her grave with my eyes glued at the encrypted name CLARA ANDERSON.

(if you want to know more about Stefano’s past, then check out my first book DROWNED).

“Your sister is entering another phase of her life today, I hope you’ll keep watching over her from above but I know Ryder Russo will take care good care of her” I stated with a beam smile. I uprooted the light grass poking out of the side of the grave and dusting the grain of sand at the arena.

"Claire is a very strong woman and I'm proud of her." I heaved a breath before staring at the encrypted letters that represented her name.

" I no longer suffer from the nightmares thanks to you... I really wish and hope you can come back to this life and endorse me with the punishment I deserved." I rubbed my palms warily. I tried to remain calm but no matter the years and time that might have passed, the wound remained so fresh and real. I can't seem to forget for a moment... I guess that's the load of punishment I'll forever hold onto in this life.

I wiped the tear that escaped my eye and stood up and bowed again " I'm sorry for what I put you through Clara Anderson."

“Can you stop pacing like that? You’ll ruin your Armani at this point” I stated flatly at Ryder before he stopped abruptly at my front “what if she doesn’t show up? What if she says she doesn’t want to marry me?” he stated warily rubbing his palms together. I chuckled at my friend’s paranoid expression.

We were inside his Family Grand Mansion here at Venice.

"It's not funny" he said making me laugh the more.

Indeed, Love does wonders to people well it’s not for everyone as my own wonders were more like blunders. I shook my head off the thought facing Ryder squarely.

“ Why will you think she wouldn’t show up? Are you even making sense right now?” I chortled at him before the door burst opened revealing a man who I learned was Kelly Raymond and works at The Russo’s Corporation.

“What the hell Raymond? Must you destroy that door on my wedding day?” Ryder reacted coldly in which I think the man wasn’t even affected at Ryder’s outburst.

“Sorry, I got into an unfortunate encounter just outside the building with this beautiful spitfire of a girl” he stated trying to dust off his suite. I chuckled at the sight.

“Beautiful? spitfire? Two words in a sentence” Ryder said and chuckled.

“Leave out that beautiful…. I mean”

“ It’s okay… I know what you mean” Ryder stated sarcastically as I smiled before a knock came in.

“ It’s time Sir” the person from the other side said as I felt Ryder’s body tensed up again. I let a short laugh before he gave me a disapproving look.

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