Chapter 9: The Gala

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Happy New Month Lovelies😍😍🌹🥀🌹🥀

You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel.” ~Johnny Depp

Bianca's pov

“wow permit me to say you’re more beautiful in person” a man commented more like a whisper beside me and that heaved my nervousness even though it was a joke.

I cleared my throat.

“G-Good morning Mr. Alcantara and everyone seated. I’m Bianca Bennett, the designer of the dress.” Everyone applauded at my introduction well obviously excluding Stefano as his eyes was glued back to his tablet. 

The whole room went deafening in silence.

“Mr. Alcantara?” Giovanna said trying to get his attention... he looked up with the ‘what’ look

“I mean she’s done with her introduction” she said as Stefano’s eyes twisted with disgust.

“so? Let her go ahead in introducing her sketch to us” he said as if I wasn’t standing here.

I was hurt at his words but I have to suck it in for the better future of my designs.

“uhmm Ms. Bennett, you can go ahead and show us your sketch for the project.” That same man that complemented me said. 

I made my way to the screen and changing the slide to mine.

I could feel so many eyes popped out at my sketch even Giovanna couldn’t hide her feelings well as usual Stefano didn’t look up.

“This sketch, I hope you can look into it deeply and tell me what you feel about it?

It’s yet to be named because the name alone must soothe the consumer’s taste.” I said as everyone attention was on the screen and of course except the Devil.

“wow I don’t even know where to start from” a man answered as I looked at his table tag Mr. Dmitri. “ but I must say it’s amazing I mean different from every other sketches I’ve come acrossed” I smiled at his gestures.

“Looking at the other side, it seem to me that the sketch talks more on self-confidence” another woman responded with a table tagged Ms. Collins. I nodded my head with a wide smile.

I think I mean this people are smart wait what was I even expecting in the Alcan’s group? Of course the smartest among everyone would be chosen to work here.

“The sketch is gorgeous and I think I’ll go with this” Mr. Molotov said adjusting himself on his seat as everyone nodded with a smile making me more relaxed.

“Are we done here?” Stefano’s voice erupted in the hall as the whole room went deafening.

I nodded my head and just when he was about to shut down his tab, Mr. Molotov cut in “what did you think Mr. Alcantara?”  Stefano went emotionless looking straight at me, making me uncomfortable not like I was the one who asked the question.

“nothing!” he stated in distaste with his eyes fixated on me before turning to Mr. Molotov. “I didn’t see anything special about this”   Mr. Molotov tried to counter him back


“Get a better sketch!”   I nodded.

“Excuse me” he stated swiftly before leaving the Boardroom  as everyone followed silently.

God did he even know how many hours and days I spent on this particular sketch?

Mr. Molotov walked up to me...

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