Chapter 48: She was hurting

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Never neglect your mother no matter how much you argue cos in the end she's still your mother and if you lose her, you will not get another.


At The Angel Hospital (Ospedale dell'Angelo), Venice.

"Ruby calm down" Stefano laced his fingers with mine smiling at me to ease my tension.

Immediately I got the news, he took me in his jet despite my refusal and brought me here At Venice.

A UTV transported us up here at the Ospedale hospital where my Aunt said she was admitted.

I looked at the scribbled letters plastered on the beige walls of the hospital again...this hospital is mainly for the cancer patients so what's she doing at a place like this?

Getting inside the hospital, I hastened my step towards the first nurse I see at the lounge before snapping my fingers on the table for her immediate attention

"Where is my mo-... Emilia- Emilia Bennett!" My voice was sharper than I intend to as Stefano squeezed my hands gently pulling me to his side.

The nurse was still looking at me in wary.

I furrowed my brows at her waiting for her response as she stared at me in confusion.

I was about to counter her harshly when Stefano held me together and came to my front.

"We're looking for a woman who was brought here this morning...Emilia Bennett..." He stated in his professional soothing voice as the nurse scribbled something in her computer. Did she not hear me before?

These nurses need to undergo tension studies.

"Room 27 by your right side Sir" she said tucking her hair strands to the back of her ears and bashing her lashes towards Stefano who was clueless to her flirtatious attitude....

she's lucky I had more important things on ground to handle right now if not I would have arranged her face properly and place her ass back on her own lane.

We walked hand in hand towards the room described.

The nearer I got, the heavier my legs got.

I rushed down with just a call and now that I am here, I don't know if I'm ready to face my Mom again.

It's been years I last saw my Mom...what she made me go through was unforgivable and I could not bear to look at her face any longer.

Stefano squeezed my hands gently, he probably noticed how nervous I was before pushing the door open and there is my mother laying on the bed, looking so pale.

I gasped at her condition, she's so lean and unrecognizable.

How long has she been sick and what exactly is wrong with her? I moved closer gently as she turned towards our side.

Her eyes grew big as she tried to sit up but I could feel the painful struggle in her effort.

I moved faster to help her sit. My eyes welled up in tears at the whole wires connected to her body.

How long as she been in pain?


Her voice trailed off as she looked behind me where Stefano was standing.

"Good afternoon Ms. Bennett" Stefano bowed his head as My Mom stared at him with this unexplainable look.

She gestured with her hand for him to come closer before saying "I'm - I'm sorry for breaking you and my daughter apart in the past" I tried to fight the tears that were struggling to fall from my eyes at the battle in my mother's voice just then the doctor walked in.

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