Chapter 1: My devilish Sister

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Stab the body, and it heals but injures the heart, and the wound lasts a lifetime.

Third person pov

Meet Stefano Alcantara, the cold-hearted billionaire and the CEO of ALCAN'S GROUP. The biggest and fastest growing Hotel Brand in the Worldwide.

He's also known as a Casanova, girls flocked and worshipped at his feet because of his money, handsome face and model-like physique body.

He doesn't do relationship in fact he detests the word relationship to the core.

Everyone referred to him as cold some devil in disguise and other said he's emotionless. Well, they're all right. His dark past changed him... the once loving guy became the hating one...

The once warm-hearted guy became cold-hearted... he once trusted everyone but now he got no room for trust again.

Everything he was before changed in a single day. Yes, he built rigid walls around himself but behind this wall was a broken guy...

"Ivan" he called out for his most trusted bodyguard more like a friend and brother to him. This guy saw past all his miseries, when he felt his whole world crumbling and scared of waking up the next day, he was there for him and helped him to rise again... he always says.

"When the whole world turns their back against you? You rise up and turn yours against the world" and that kept Stefano going... he was also his partner in crime... they played a lot of dangerous games together like car races in which Stefano was satined because he didn't know his bodyguard was dangerous at races being his own favorite and he also left him more speechless by teaching him how to handle guns and dismantling bombs secretly...

He was left surprised at how outstanding he was in so many aspects... he loved him so much and gradually he was able to grow and start to see the beauty in living.

"Yes boss" Ivan answered

"Is Marco downstairs?" he said referring to his Dad trying to knot his tie but he failed again as Ivan chuckled beside him before nodding his head and Stefano glared playfully at him

"They're at the dining waiting patiently for you" he said

"That old man" he said in a shrieked tone. He gave up his tie and threw it at Ivan to knot for him before making his way down the stairs turning to the right side of the endless sitting room.

"Buongiorno papa" Stefano greeted in Italian (good morning dad) and went to his mom "Buongiorno mamma" he said pecking his mom on her cheeks (good morning mom)

"My baby" she said to him with a bright smile as Stefano shrieked with the word "mamma, I'm a man not a baby" he replied dryly as she chuckled

"Mattina figlio come e stata la tua note?" His Dad replied with a beam smile (morning son how was your night?)

"andava bene papa e il tuo?" he said (it was fine dad and yours?) as he took his sit at the right side of his dad

"E stato fantastic che tua madre possa testimoniare" his Dad said winking at his wife as Stefano fringed in distaste reading double meaning to it (it was fantastic you know, your mom can testify to it)

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