Chapter 27:Achilles

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What do you do when the person who broke your heart is the only one who can fix it?

Bianca's pov

The following morning, as usual, the muscular guy is standing at the doorstep to take me to the company.

Ever since I got illed, same cycle of taking me to the company as been repeated.

I got inside the majestic building and strolled towards the lobby.

"Morning Ma'am Bennett" Celesta greeted with a smile... I didn't see Maurio

"Morning Celesta" I gave her a beam smile.

I walked to the elevator and glanced briefly at the Exclusive Elevator by my right... The light was off unlike other days when the golden plated light encrypted with ALCAN moves synchronically in a horizontal manner.

Getting to the last floor corridor. I glanced briefly at my Left but His office window were shutdown. I heaved a relief as the last thing I want right now is to encounter with his dangerous golden eyes.

"Morning Ma'am Bennett" Giovanna said coming from the opposite end with a light smile on her face.

"Just call me Bianca" I corrected with a smile.

"How are your designs going... ?"

"Fine thank you Giovanna" I said and paused at the entrance of my office.

"Uhh... It's so quiet today you know" I said more like questioned which I found cliché.

Actually I wanted to inquire about Stefano but I could not bring myself to do that.

"Yeah...Mr. Alcantara and Mr. Gordon are out of the country" she said

"Out you said?"

"Yeah... He needs to see through the company at New York"


"For in case you're wondering... His return is not certain... I think he'll be there for a while" She said eyeing me suspiciously... where's that coming from?

"Oh..." I said absentmindedly... Why did he leave all of a sudden?

" Is there something I should be aware of?" She said picking out her words gently with a smile on her face.

"No... It's nothing"

"I see..." She said not convinced.

I sat on my big leather seat, brought out my sketch pad to sketch. It was so hard to focus as his golden eyes was glued and encrypted in my head. I tried to rivet my mind back to my drawings but it was difficult. Why did he leave? Could I be the reason for his departure? Or is there really a need to stay over there as I remembered that company is one of the most flourishing industries at New York so why the need to stay? Or did my kiss have something to do with his disappearance? If he had hated it that much, he should have fired me instead of leaving Italy.

I sighed tremendously snapping my pen harshly on the table.

I took my cellphone and went through the contact lists... My heart skipped when I saw his name which I saved as Achilles.

I loved the name, it reminded me of the history book I read on one of the great heroes of the Greek mythology.

According to the Ancient, Achilles was extraordinarily strong, devoted and fearless same goes with Stefano.

He was fearless and brave in our high school days. Nothing could break him down. I mean no one. He's embedded with a grand Charisma and commanded fear in people and that act alone was sexy for me.

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