Chapter 42: Her Confession

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Love isn't there to make us happy. I believe it exists to show us how much we can endure.- Hermann Hesse


"I got to go" Giovanna stated in a hush tone. I nodded as she pecked me "Fight for him" she whispered in my ears and left hurriedly without waiting for my response nor like I had one.

I sighed deeply trying to take his arrival off my mind and picked my sketch book to sketch something.

I sketched for hours and there was no sign of him coming to my office.

My mind and body is eager for his presence but he was nowhere to be found.

Maybe he finally placed the knot together and decided we can't be together again.

I was hurt not because of his decision but the fact that he cannot end it cleanly with me instead of running away from me like he always do. He never stays!

I love him so much, I never stopped loving him even if my heart is in pieces, I can let him go as I know what I did in the past is unforgivable.

Breaking up with a guy that showered you nothing but Love without any vivid reason, is the most heartless thing to do.

I tried to focus on my sketch pad and before I knew it, I was sketching him instead of my new design.

I slammed my pen on the table with frustration. I cannot just get him out of my head no matter how I try...

Pretending I'll be fine when in reality I can never be fine. I have exactly a month left to leave but I'm not sure I can complete the contract with the state I am now.

The mistake was melting in his touch at the Adriatic Resort... I shouldn't have let him touch nor scoop me in his arms but my body will always betray me.

I've held my feelings together for years but recently it seems all my effort has been bootless.

I was doing good just watching him afar like I always do when he was a certified Casanova well I don't know if has changed and at this point I don't care anymore. He can go out with whosoever he feels like and I'm not going to hate him because I don't have the right to but the thought of him being with another woman for these last two weeks makes my heart heavy.

I checked my gp watch and realize how late it is... Past seven pm and the building is getting silent.

It was past time for work and I know waiting here for him to magically appear at my doorstep will be futile and fruitless. I'm done waiting... I'm done fighting... I'm done hoping for what is never going to be... The earlier I grasp that, the better for me.

I closed my sketch pad and adjusted my hair. I picked my band and braided my hair up. It was hard to bun together because of it's long length.

I glanced briefly at the side mirror near the mini bar. I told my self repeatedly. "I will not cry" I kept repeating but that was when tears start to form in my eyes.

I blinked severally trying to control my tears but it was hard.

I shut my terrace and pulled my glass window curtains together before picking my purse, phone and left the office.

I tried not to look sideways to avoid thinking of the devil but just before I could make my way inside the elevator, A hand yanked me around.

My body reacted tremendously. I don't need someone to tell me who it was as his Manly addicting scent lingered for too long in my nose.

I felt the proximity of his body near mine.
Everything I rehearsed few hours ago flew away into the thin air.

Bianca think straight...I repeated inwardly but who am I kidding.

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