Chapter 54:Truth game

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Love is not enough to guarantee a happy ending; it takes effort, compromise, and a strong connection to make it work -Unknown


The smile that formed on my face was palpable. After I woke up and didn't find Ruby at my instinct said I should look out the glass door covered in curtains. I moved it slightly as the morning Sun grazed on my skin and there... I find My Dad and Ruby together...

I thought it was going to be bad so I tried to put on my shirt but the situation didn't look exactly that bad before my Father walked away not without leaving a sheepish smile on Ruby's lip who's action amazed me as she hugged the tree tightly like her life depended on it.

I smirked lightly. What could have prompt that action? What could they have talked about? I thought while eating and trying my utmost best to compose myself and avoid touching my Ruby on the table as I could not get enough of her not especially on my Sweater... She looked special fucking hot!

I tried to distract myself with Lucca's scandal.

I was still laughing at my friend's perplexed face when I saw my Dad dropped a ricotta pancake on Ruby's plate.

I was not sure I saw correctly but it's real. He did that...Marco dropped a fucking pancake?

"Care for a G wine?" I asked pointedly at my father who was standing at his room bar spot scanning for a drink at the wine cellar.

After the meal...My mother, Cassandra and of course Ruby decided to pack some meal in a meal box and visit Emilia at the house we bought for her.

I wanted a personal time with my Dad so I let the group go without me.

He moved his glass cup to my side as I turned the Red berry G wine into it.

"Are you sure about this?" He started not sparing me a glance as he lift his glass and took a sip from it.

My hand paused from turning the wine into my cup at the sudden question before my lips curved into a smile saying "Si, Padre" ( Yes, Father)

He drank the full glass cup and shifted the bottle to his side pouring himself another Wine.

"Non voglio che tu ti faccia male" He spoke softly in italian still not meeting my gaze. ( I don't want you to get hurt again).

I drank the wine he poured for himself before facing him...moments and talks like this with my Father is fact... this is the first..even when he knew I was heartbroken in the past, he never asked about it nor showed that he cared so seeing him like this... Is a new to me.

"I won't Father..." I paused taking the bottle back from him and pouring him another glass since I drank his own...

"La amo Padre" I dropped the bottle as his hands stiffened on his glass cup probably from my revelation. (I love her Father)

"You think it's enough?" He asked indecorously clenching his glass tightly on the bar stand.

"She feels the same..."

"non è abbastanza Achilles!" He caught me off with a hiss beneath his voice even if it came out wouldn't miss the anger hidden in his voice. (Is not enough Achilles)


He stood up irately to the other side of his glass window.

"I know you love her but that's not enough reason for me to let her be in your life again..." He turned to me and before I could retort...he beat me back to it...

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