Chapter 52:Impulse

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***Warning: Explicit scene


The heat flooding between my legs is soon replaced by a pool of wetness as I watched him give a dazzling smile to his workers.

I was not exactly paying attention to what was being said as I kept staring at the amazing lips that overpowered my tongue a moment ago leaving me wanting after the interruption.

I tried to breathe and shove the sexual feeling away but the more I tried, the more the heat pulsed through my clit.

I watched everyone sipped their wine but I was thirsty for something else...rather someone else....

Every inch of my body aches and screams his name.

I have never wanted anyone like I do for Stefano...for over 10 years now...He has always been the light at the end of my tunnel.

I was really distracted in my own world until I heard my name..

" To Bianca Bennett" Raphael said driving me out of my trance as I tried to focus before my eyes locked with Stefano's dangerous looking gold eyes which cannot help but make me feel hot over and over again.

His reaction to Raphael was so sexy that I cannot help but smile at his cuteness.

He was jealous and it made my heart warm.

I intertwined our fingers together under the table to calm his adrenaline down but immediately my skin got in contact with his...I regretted it...

I almost lost my rational self with the impulse that electrified through my system.

Bianca what's wrong with you?

Everyone laughed and clapped at what Raphael said at the end of his speech leaving a smile on Stefano's face.

My mouth waters at the way his lips curved in a smile...I swallowed hard trying to force myself to act normal but it was just impossible with this greek god sitting at my side and filling my nose with his addictive cologne that I wish I could bury myself in.

My cravings for him was beyond control and I remembered he vowed not to touch me since the incident at Adriatic Sea as a way of punishing himself for bringing a tear out of my face but little did he know I'm the one being punished.

Sitting so close and not able to touch him is like a torture.

His phone rings and he excused himself to take the call and I did not miss the ache that followed from the absence of his intoxicating scent around me.

"Bianca Bennett!" The echo of my name from a familiar voice made me to come out of my reverie as I looked up at the voice.

"Please don't hurt the Boss..." The voice which happened to be Giovanna almost in a drunken state said.

"I won't" I answered with a smile as everyone clicked glasses and gulped down their champagnes.

I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding as I tried to sip my wine but felt Raphael's eyes penetrating deep into my soul.

I looked at his direction and forced a smile to make him break contact but he did not as he kept his eyes fixated on me while pouring the last shot of Vintage wine in his glass cup and gulping it down finally averting his eyes away from me.

I tried to act like nothing happened as I didn't exactly realize the weight of his feelings for me...

I always plastered him to be a playboy.

The music was turned on as everyone stood up except Raphael and start to dance with their partners.

Raphael chose to drink more of the Vintage wine and at this rate, he may end up being drunk.

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