Chapter 12: What is she doing to me?

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If I could show you how awful you made me feel, you would never be able to look me in the eyes again.


Stefano’s pov

“BOSS you should go home and rest for tomorrow's board meeting with the French Ambassadors... I’ll be here with her” Ivan said as I shook my head for the nth time checking my watch only to realize that it’s past 11pm.

‘No I must stay here till she open her eyes’. I whispered to myself but I didn’t miss the smirk on Ivan’s face… did he hear what I said?  Just then the doctor rushed out... I drifted closer to him.

“Doctor How is she?” I asked and he nodded his head.

I heaved a heavy sigh I didn’t know I was holding.

“May I ask the kind of work she does?” the doctor asked and I looked at Ivan briefly.

“She’s a fashion designer. Why?” I questioned

“Acute stress” he said then I creased my brow in a confused manner

“Excuse me!”

“This occur as result of fatigue. The overuse of the body.” He said but I rose my eyebrow because I still don’t get what he implied here.

“The results showed that she has not been feeding nor sleeping well and the worst is… her brain is beyond stressed and it’s really dangerous at this stage”.

My jaw dropped, I felt guilty within. It’s my fault, I caused the whole stress as I used my hand to rumple my hair.

“Right now she’s stable but we have to wait for her to wake up in case any further treatment would be needed… if you may excuse me please” he finalized and left.

I turned to the wall with so many thoughts running through my mind as I kept punching the wall.

“Go in and see her” Ivan said in a low voice patting my shoulder. I stiffed. Can I do that?

“Come on” he added then like a lost puppy I went inside the ER.

Seeing her pale face and skin connected to some wires broke me inside.

I moved closer to her bed and I tried to hold her palm but I couldn’t bring myself to do that so I withdrew it back immediately and stared at her instead.

Despite her condition, she never failed to leave me breathless with her beautiful face.

She was sweating so I went to the other side of the room to get cold water and towel to clean her face. I became conscious because of how people were staring at me with cunny smiles on their faces even Ivan joined as I gave him a ‘what’ look then he chuckled.

I ignored them all and sat close to her bed trying to wipe each sweat out of her face with the towel. I used this opportunity to watch her closely and every time I do that, her beauty glows more like a Goddess. I was so tempted to savor her reddish plump lips. I shut my eyes trying to take away every dirty thoughts from my wicked mind only to open it to realize that her hands moved as she tried to open her eyes but I was quick to use the towel to block my vision from revealing to her.

She must not know I brought her here. Immediately she shut it back, I stood up and signaled Ivan.

“Take me home.” he stared at me confused checking the time as I also briefly checked mine. It was past 3 am but it doesn’t matter.

“Boss it’s mid-night”

“So? I want to go home” I stated.

“a-are we going to leave her alone here?” he said again

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