Chapter 8: Meeting Face to face at the Conference room

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A broken heart is the worst. It’s like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe

Stefano's pov

“Bianca Bennett” she added. I was dumbstruck! I felt a lump on my throat, but I kept repeating to myself that the name only sounded familiar I mean there are thousands of Bianca Bennett in this world and so it could be anyone but her.

“Bianca Bennett? Who is she? I mean when is she coming herself to present the design properly?” I asked trying to maintain by blank expression

“She’s around, she’s waiting for the green light” Ms. Rennes said as I swallowed and my palm became itchy. Oh God what the hell is wrong with me!!!  It can’t be her.

“You see Mr. Alcantara, this young woman is an upcoming fashion designer, she may not be experienced but she’s really a talented designer and I bet you her designs will be a boom in the global world and…”

“Bring her in” I said cutting Mr. Molotov off from his fairy speech without looking up from my tab as everyone chuckled softly.

I felt the big Mahogany door opening as all eyes seem to dilate at the human but mine was still glued at my tab.

I could hear some giggles like oh my... She’s a goddess… see her beautiful hair, she’s so beautiful …bla bla bla

“She’s here Sir” Ms. Rennes said
... I shut down my tab and looked up before my eyes locked with a ocean blue looking eyes.

The one I least expected as my adrenaline boiled.

Fuck! Why is she here? Is she the one Cassie was talking about all this while?

I mean how did she even manage her way inside my company? I remained silent trying to maintain my composure as I sat straight resting my head on my back leather seat.

“G-Good morning Mr. Alcantara and everyone seated, I’m Bianca Bennett, the designer of the dress” she said bowing down repeatedly and avoiding my gaze as everyone applauded for her well obviously except me and the way she pronounced my name woke up something in me and I hate it.

Bianca’s pov

After the long and endless conversations with the girls back at New York to my defeat, here I am standing at the Lobby of the ALCAN’S GROUP, my legs got struck at a spot with thousands of people roaming in the company.

As much as I love to stay away from this magnificent building, something is still drawing me in. let’s not even talk about the beauty I mean this company should be the most beautiful I’ve ever stepped into not just in Italy but in my life and who wouldn’t want to work here?

I’m sure the marbled floors alone can buy Rome in all. Sparkling with Clear chandelier pearls hanging around the ceiling.  At a point I couldn’t help but wonder if this is really a Company or a Casino. I mean everything is amazingly beautiful.

The architecture of this place must be the best on this planet earth with a golden brain.

A security with a tagged name Maurio and beautiful crystal-like watch engraved in shape A approached me.

“Excuse me Miss. May I help you?” he said in an Italian accent, I smiled as I glanced briefly at his watch again I mean don’t get me wrong it looked familiar…

“Sure! I’m Bianca Bennett and I’m supposed to have a meeting with the CEO by 10am sharp this morning” I said bringing out my ID card.

He collected and glanced through it briefly before making a sign to the other security who seems to be a female.

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