Chapter 5: Meeting Castillo and Genrich

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Love is only made more valuable by the risk of heartbreak~Alessandra

Stefano’s pov

“Amico you got condoms available? I forgot mine at Spain” I was not surprised, trust my Bastard Spanish friend Lucca Castillo for his nasty talks as I tried knotting my tie but failed again as usual and Ivan got the message not before chuckling though, he collected it and knotted for me.

“I can’t believe at your age you still battle with ties” Lucca said sarcastically and laughed, pacing up and down in my penthouse 

“I don’t! you moron!” I said dryly at him then he smirked turning to Ivan

“Who’s the moron here? Someone who can’t knot a tie or someone who already did?” he said directing his eyes at Ivan as he just smiled

“Castillo mind you I can knot my tie. I was just in a hurry that’s all” I said defensively

“Hurry indeed” he stated in a mimicking tone as I sent him deathly glares

“So concerning my former question?” he said facing me sitting on the bartender seat then I rose my brows at him


“Jeez… what’s wrong with his brain these days?” He stated directly to Ivan then he just chuckled.

“If you’re going to insult me Amico just do it okay!” I said picking a bottle water from the fridge before picking three glass cups to serve the water for the three of us. Yeah three of us, Ivan maybe my bodyguard but he means more to me and I treat him more like a friend and a brother. I pushed the cup to them before taking mine.

“Thanks Boss!” Ivan said with a bright smile

“Come on Amico don’t you have extra pack of condom in here?” He demanded again narrowing his eyes at me as I frowned.

“What the hell Castillo! Not like I reside here in New York and even if I do, what would I be doing with a pack of condom in my Suite? Does it look like a club?” I narrowed my eyes at him unbelievably. Before walking off with my suit jacket.

“What? Are you for real?” he pouted faking hurt expression. I just shook my head at him.

“Don’t worry on our way I’ll ask Ivan to stop at a nearby store for your condom” I stated in a sardonic manner which I trust my friend he would have gotten the double meaning to my words.

“Damn you Amico! Are you trying to name me a man whore?” he said with widened eyes.

“Whatever you interpret it as Signore” I said throwing my car keys at Ivan as I headed down to the elevator. I knew he cursed behind me but was barely audible so I laughed hopping in my car.

As promised I stopped on the way to get Lucca a pack of condom before heading to the Party.  Just as I entered my BMV, my phone rang…

Alcantara where the hell have you been huh! Don’t tell me you can’t make it because I’m not gonna listen to that shit!’ I fringed at the loudness of the voice on phone…

Calm your shit down Genrich! Are you trying to get rid of my ear drums?’ I said dryly to him on phone

Just get your ass here’ he said then I cut the phone as if he has something important to do with me meanwhile nothing in fact don’t be shocked when I get there he’ll start to scream of how he missed me, blablabla… rubbish! He’s such an asshole. Just before I could drop my phone it begin to buzz again again who else if not the asshole himself.

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