Chapter 21:Encounter with Coco Winks

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Love is an untamed force. When you try to control it, it destroys you. When you try to imprison it, it enslaves you. When you try to understand it, it leaves you feeling lost and confused.

Stefano's pov

" I'm I never knew I'll meet the almighty Multi-billonaire in a place like this" she exclaimed with her mouth opened and eyes widened in shock as she moved closer to me.

She was dressed in a classic way as usual profounding her features with her Brunette hair falling carelessly on her shoulder.

She wasn't on her ridiculous lipstick this time around. She looked simple.

"Hey!" I said faintly as I tried to adjust my sitting position before she hopped on the next seat beside me.

"You haven't answered my question... what are you doing in our humble place?" She said again with a plastered smile on her face.

"Our?" I exclaimed in surprise but just before she could reply...the granny brought our meals. Mine was Bruschetta grilled bread topped with veggies, rubbed garlic and tomato mix  with Lasagna.

I smiled at the aroma of  food that danced around my nose. This granny always have a way with her food and Ivan ordered his usual Panzenella, a Tuscan bread salad and a chilled glass of Prosecco to go with it.

"What are you doing here Coco?" The old granny said in a reprimanded tone.

Coco? " This is your meal sir" she added facing Ivan and I with a smile as Coco stood up.

"Grandma I'm just talking to my friends" she said in a childish tone. grandma? Wow.

" Friends? How will the Multi-billonaire be your friend...?" The old woman chuckled in disbelief.

"What do you mean how? Remember I'm COCO WINKS! The top model in America" she said defensively folding her arms under her chest.

I just smiled. Coco Winks... I knew her face was familiar that day I first met her upfront but I didn't know she was this easy to converse with.

"So you like prosecco Mr. grey eyes?" she placed her both hands on the table turning towards Ivan. Mr. Grey eyes? I chortled. Ivan's eyes grew big and shifted unconsciously. I smiled, I never knew someone could make Ivan this nervous.

"It's my favorite know it's actually underrated" she twisted her tongue in distaste still trying to make conversation with Ivan but he remained silent. I snorted out a smile at his reaction towards Coco.

"Coco...leave the gentlemen alone and come over here" the Granny shouted afar diverting Coco's attention who was at first reluctant but stood up anyways but didn't miss the exchange of gazes she made with Ivan. I smiled, I'm gonna love this.

After our meals... We left the restaurant and thanks to Gina, Coco was controllable.. she didn't do anything abnormal at least to me but I can't say for my bodyguard.


I watched the woman sat across me, beside Stefano with her bubbly smile.

She was so adorable with her spirit nature.

Everything was funny to her until her eyes settled on mine. I felt something which was strange before I averted it away. Careful there... I said to my heart.

"So you like prosecco Mr. grey eyes?" she placed her both hands on the table turning towards me and leaving me in marvel. Grey eyes? I didn't see that coming so I shifted uncomfortably trying to maintain my composure. I've never felt this awkward before.

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