Chapter 51:The After Party

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"Love can touch us one time And last for a life time And never let go till We're gone."

Who remembers the song by Celine dion?



Immediately the White Massive gate was unlocked, Wines, Champagnes were all popped up and blasted on my Roll Royce.

That gesture, I didn't see it coming....

Ivan was with all smiles and did not seem surprised like I am at the moment.

My mouth was slightly opened and a smile formed on my lips.

"Congratulations!!!!" Countless Voices boomed just outside my Roll Royce as Icons, Magnates and Tycoons in the business world came to my side to welcome me.

I really wasn't expecting this massive Moguls and distinguished Barons present here.

I had to come down to receive the flowers raised and stretched at me from Iconic women.

"Grazie everyone!" I managed to say bowing my head as series of flashes almost blinded my eyes as usual.

Ivan left the scene to park the Roll Royce as he know I won't be let go at anytime soon.

"Congratulations Mr. Alcantara" Mr. Dmitri commended with a smile shaking my hand in his.

My eyes darted at the whole serene environment and the lush green garden encrypted with some ambient light displaying "Congratulations to the HAY EMPIRE"

Trust my sister for this illuminated Large coverage area of the compound.

The award was not even sure yet they all made this great preparation ahead.

Important Icons that I left at the award ceremony were all present for the after party.

How it happened? Well I don't know as I remembered I left them all at the event.

Then almost immediately, Fireworks lighted above the sky as my eyes travelled upward "Stefano il nostro eroe" the inscription reads... (our hero)

My eyes clouded with tears yet again at the huge surprise of the whole event before I saw my Family walked down to my side.

"We are so proud of you Son" My mom started as she wiped a tear that escaped her eyes before pulling me into a hug.

"Grazie Madre...I cannot ask for a better mother than you" I wrapped my hands tighter at her back as my Sister joined in the big hug but my father being my father tried to act unfeigned with his hands in his pockets while looking at everywhere but me.

I tear my eyes away from my father and loosened the hug calmly from my mother and Cassandra while trying to also wipe my mother's tears before my eyes settled back on my father.

We gave each other this long stare with neither of us trying to avert it first.

I watched him fight the tears trying to form in his eyes...

I broke the staring contest and moved towards him before his hands traveled around my back in a fast motion.

I stiffened for a moment as that was what I wanted to do but he beat me to it.

I snapped out of my thought and wrapped my hands around him.

"I'm so fucking happy that I can't believe it's real" He mumbled quietly on my shoulder.

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