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Hey lovelies....I'm back again with another hot... Extremely hot I'll say romance novel titled THE BILLIONAIRE SCANDAL a spin off to QUENCH MY FIRE...🍒💍🍒🥀💮🥀

I'm sure you all still remembered Lucca Castillo, the Billionaire Playboy and His Dainty Model Tirana Dawson who did not seem to be moved by Lucca's irresistible charm.

Lucca Castillo

A Multi billionaire whose family own an Airline Empire. He's also a well known Casanova. He use girls like clothes as he never went out with a girl twice. You can't blame him completely as His family history did not give him a chance to believe in love.

Tirana Dawson.

A feisty Woman with no room for nonsense. She's a supermodel with a lot of rivals. Completely opposite of the Billionaire Playboy but they both have one thing in common... Stubbornness.

Despite her clear spleen for Lucca Castillo being the exact opposite of her taste in Men though except for his good looks... There's still something endearing about him that draws her attention closer to him no matter how she try to flee from the devil... Will she be able to resist the Devil's charm? Or will she be a prey at his mercy?  Let's find Out.


"Don't flatter yourself, Cariño. I'm not looking," I retorted, dipping my hands deep in my Pants pockets, aiming to provoke her. It worked perfectly—she paused, giving me a bitter glare. If looks could kill, I would have been dead already.

"I fucking hate you Lucca Castillo!"She said angrily, but I remained composed... and I'm surprised she knew my name...

"I've heard that many times before Cariño,""I responded to further aggravate her... I'm not sure why I find amusement in her reaction...

"Don't call me Cariño you fucking prick!"I smirked more boldly as I edged a bit closer to her side.

"Trust prick can't wait too" I whispered with a flirtatious smile, noticing her visible anger... For a moment, I worried she might explode with rage.

"Fuck you Bastard!!"

"I can't wait to do that mi amore" I teased. She was visibly enraged... I've never seen someone so furious, but strangely, it doesn't bother me...

Who's excited with me?
Let me know at the comment section.... The faster the comments, the quicker updates...🥳🥳🥳😍🥰😋

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