Chapter 22: Cassandra being Cassandra

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Long after I have given up, my heart still searches for you without my permission.

Bianca pov

My phone beeped telling me it was time for my favorite show as I hurried out of the kitchenette towards the sofa to change the channel to Televista where one of my favorite telenovela was showing titled THE LEGAL WIFE.

I so much love this show, the way the story revolted was just different and special from any other telenovela I had watched.

I took my crispy chips and yogurt to go with it as I hopped on the sofa folding my legs and placing a pillow in the middle to place my bowl of crispy chips. There's this scene that won't stop ringing in my ears between Monica and Nico 'no matter what you do, I am still the Legal wife and you are just a mistress' the scene was everything that I had to play and replay again.

I loved Monica fierce personality along with her father. The way his character enfolded was just a perfectly made scenario of a father who wouldn't take nonsense when it comes to his daughter not especially when another man hurts her which reminded me of my own father, if he was alive I'm sure he won't hesitate to do the same but it's the opposite tho. I hurt a man.

I sighed at my frustrated past life. I was just about to munch in another chip when my doorbell rang. Who could it be?

I opened the door gently and to my surprise, the ever gorgeous CASSANDRA ALCANTARA BORNSTEIN appeared at my doorstep.

Her beauty was not comparable in any way. She looked just perfect in her cream bubble gown with her full vibrant blonde hair cascading down her waist and her diamond silhouette to go with it.

She smiled brightly at me making her hazel green eyes to lite up a glow. She is such a beauty.

I returned back the smile paving a way for her to come in.

"Surprise!!!" She said with a bright smile as she made her way inside my Suite and slouched on the sofa. I shut the door and look back at her in surprise... I mean it's her birthday this evening so what's she doing here instead of preparing for the birthday party?

"I know you're surprised but yeah I'm real in flesh..." she said placing her two hands on her waist. I chuckled with her statement.

" So why did you still have that on?" She asked scanning my short on tank top.

"Uhmmm... I don't think this party will need my presence... I mean I don't want to cause...

"I didn't travel here to give you an option...go and change forthwith" she said in a breath and pushed me gently towards my room with a fickle smile on her face.

I wore a short grey gown just above my knee and left my hair down. I was about to apply a lip balm when she barged into my room.

She had a good look at my attire then sighed disappointedly as the smile on her face vanished.

" you really wanna wear this to my party?" she squinted her eyes at me. I checked myself briefly to give her a response but she cut to it again " never mind... Let's go" she held my hands and dragged me gently out of the door without waiting for my response.

Getting to the Lobby, I watched as everyone including the workers could not help but stop and spare her a glance and bow repeatedly to acknowledge her presence and she just gave them her dazzling smile.

Her presence is not only beautiful but sovereign.

Her bodyguard hurried quickly and opened the door for us to enter her Cadillac before shutting it and driving off.

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