Chapter 43: Enraptured

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Love is when you shed a tear and you still want him. It's when He ignores you and you still love him. It's when you think he's with another girl but you still smile and say it doesn't matter when all you really do is cry. ~

How Bianca felt when he left her for two weeks to sort out his feelings


"I Love You...I love you Stefano Achilles Alcantara" My hands freeze on her back..stopping my heartbeat for a brief moment. I felt it... deep inside my body...all my nerves and cells reacted at the confession.

I don't know if it was her voice or what she said or how she said it made all my thinking slate go blank.

I was dumbstruck... Her declaration left me in a piece clouding my brain.

Even before she broke up with me, she never used that word. I always wanted to hear it from her and now she said it... Is another different feeling entirely.

Words got stuck in my throat as I did what I'm always good at doing to her. I savored her mouth mercilessly. I poured all my feelings into the kiss as my hands caressed anywhere and everywhere of her body.

I love her too but the word hung on my throat.

I tried to go easy on her but I was Spellbound. If I don't stop right now...I could take her right in front of the elevator if not for the cameras hung everywhere.

She gasped against my chest as I tasted every recesses of her mouth. God she's so beautiful. I cannot imagine my life with any other person aside from her.

She has been induced in my system for ten years now no matter how I tried not to think about her... all my effort was futile.

My hands caressed every corner of her body until I felt a necklace underneath her neck. I broke the kiss softly to stare at the ornament. My heart stopped for a brief moment.

It was the same diamond necklace I saw on her the day I walked into her office staring at while she was asleep. I can't believe she kept the necklace I gifted to her on her Seventeen birthday for so long.

"You had it with you all along" I muttered quietly trying to catch my breath.

She nodded as my eyes locked with her blurred teary eyes.

My heart was in fire... Again, I was tongue tied as I captured her mouth in a searing kiss.

My hand cupped her cheek as my other hand was on her waist pressing her body to mine. I was almost tearing off her dress as the fabric was not quenching my burning desire for her when a voice interrupted me.

"Uhmmm...Sorry to interrupt...but boss it's almost time for the dinner meeting with the italian Duke" I cursed silently at Ivan for interrupting this precious moment.

Though I'm grateful he stopped me if I don't want to see scandalous pictures tomorrow morning on the tabloids as heaven knows what I'll do to her on that corridor at my never ending cravings for her.

Still that part of me wish he didn't appear from wherever he appeared from.

I released her gently from the tight hold as she tried to hide her face behind me from Ivan.

I know she was probably flushed at his presence.

"I'll meet you in the Car" I glared at Ivan but he was unmoved by my glares...he left anyways not before giving me a warning look.

My eyes settled back on Bianca as she was shy to meet my eyes.

I held her hands with a smile plastered on my face.

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