Chapter 10: Dancing with the devil

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I’m not mad, I’m hurt. There’s a difference.

Bianca's pov

“Do you think I’ll kiss someone like you?” My eyes darted open at his statement before I forcefully released myself from him without uttering a word and left the dance floor to the rest room.

I don’t know how long I stayed there and why what he said affected me? I mean he could have said he wasn't going to kiss me but what’s with the ‘someone like me’? I wiped my face, washing it before reapplying my make-up
“The strength of a woman that the world knows not” a voice said from behind as I jolted in surprise.

Turning around only to be met by a beautiful familiar woman with vibrant blonde hair.

In fact you can mistake her as a goddess with the way she carried herself.

“C-cassandra” I tried to say as I felt lump on my throat. She smiled and hugged me whispering” it’s okay not to be okay”  I thought about her words again before she released me.

“Bianca, I admire your strong personality a lot”  her words held different meanings. “Don’t give up Sweet” she took my hands in hers and looked into my eyes  “please” she added.

“I-I do-don’t stand a chance after everything I’ve done. I hurt him” I stuttered as she shushed my mouth.

“It could happen to anyone and besides you were a teenager back then.

I’m sure you had a reason to do that and maybe it was even against your will judging with your reaction” I froze at her words.

This woman must have studied psychology I mean how could she judge base on my reaction only? “But I won’t force you to tell me if that would make you better” she said bringing me out of my wavering thoughts.

“I left him because my mom threatened to make his life more horrible than it was then." I paused, staring at anywhere but her ...

"She said she’ll report a false rape of her daughter to the authority and being a prosecutor, I knew she could make it look real and I don’t want to afflict him with more pain because it hurts me too” I shut my eyes briefly trying to control my emotions but it was hard.

She stared at me in dismay, she knew I was trying my best to hold it in but what she did next surprised me. She pulled me into a hug and patted my back.

I expected her to lash out at my foolishness and stupidity but no she just embraced me in a warm hug and I needed it. I allowed myself to drown in her hug with uncontrollable tears falling carelessly down my eyes.

“Wow, I mean it’s a lot to take in. I don’t even know what to say” she paused “you must be really broken too back then” she added then I nodded my head as tears wouldn’t stop running down my face.

She pulled me back so she can see my face and wiped the tears falling from it with her bare hands “ I always wondered why I couldn’t hate you then but now I got my answer. I realized it’s because you’re a rare gem." She laced her fingers with mine

"Like I said, I admire your personality, it’s rare to find such an independent woman like you” she stated still holding my hands “ Bianca, never blame yourself for anything because you made the best decision back then, in fact if I was in your shoes, I could have done worse.” She chuckled as I tightened my hands with hers mouthing “thank you” In tears as she hugged me again.

After we left the restroom.

“Baby I’ve been looking for you” A handsome Young man with well sculpted face, jet black hair and rich manly cologne said from the other end of the hall walking to our side.

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