Chapter 17: fighting the devil in me

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I burn for her but am I still supposed to burn for her after everything she has done to me...

Stefano Pov

" Sir, Ms. Bennett is on her way" Ms Rennes said to me inside the conference room where I sat alone to work on my tablet.

I didn't know what prompt me to come this early but I was already on seat waiting for everyone.

On a normal day it's always the other way round.

Everyone kept strolling in... When they saw me, they hurried to their seat, some were probably shocked on my early arrival. After like 2 minutes, She walked inside.

I could feel her presence, I watched as Ms. Collins and others complimented her beauty but I wouldn't dare look up because I don't trust myself right now.

I don't want to get drawn with her mesmerizing blue eyes and red flaming hair.

I'm afraid of what I'm becoming and I have to put a stop to it as fast as possible.

She spoke as usual but I ignored as I kept my eyes fixated on my tablet. She turned on her PowerPoint presentation.

I couldn't get over my curiosity as I wanted to see her design because I know she was talented and as usual her design almost made me drool. She left me speechless at how refined and tasteful her design was on the screen.

This is beautiful, elegant ,and very alluring.

I tried to get my head back to my tablet but it was difficult.

Her voice came out fluently, smoothly and clearly turning my head in a way I wish I could control... that her beautiful voice is messing up with my head again!!! I tried to listen but it was difficult.

My mind was half listening and the other was fixated on her gracious beauty. I tried to stare away but my eyes caught at the centre of her chest where her two buttons were left untouched.

I growled internally trying to get myself together and fight the inner devil still yearning for her in me.

Don't be deceived at her beauty... she'll only break your heart again. I repeatedly over and over again to myself tapping my pen silently on the table.

It took the whole of me to drive my eyes away from her body and back to my tablet to listen to her speech at least before I heard her talk about Fredrick.

I listened silently without shifting my eyes from my tablet as everyone complemented her.

I could say that she was still as intelligent as I've known her to be .

I smiled but was fast to mask my hardened face back.

Everyone turned to me... I could feel it.

" Good ! We're dismissed" I said sharply... I really wanted to comment, appreciate the beauty but I could not bring myself to do that... I stood up about to walk away when Mr. Molotov's voice stopped me on my track

"Just good? Really Man? " He said sounding disappointed at my choice of words but it's mine choice anyways.

"Yeah... was I supposed to say something else?" I asked irately and walked out without waiting for his reply.

Getting to my office, I shut the door behind me as I settled on my big leather chair and rested my head backward.

This girl is affecting me real bad as much as I hate to admit it. Just Six months and I'll get rid of her again.

A knock came in but the person opened before I could even answer. Ryder

" Fratello" he said in a beam smile

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