Chapter 30: The Russo's Wedding

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I want to run as far as I can from you because I don't want to fall in love with you again but that force keeps driving me back

Bianca's pov

"What if he doesn't show up at the altar?" Claire said for the millionth time today as I tried to braid her vibrant blonde hair upward leaving a strand at each side emphasizing on her beauty.

I chuckled at her hilarious talk.

"You and your pessimistic attitude" Tirana commented trying to fix her lashes correctly at the mirror side before turning to us as I was done beautifying my friend.

"Wow... You look like a River goddess and this wedding dress is the best I've seen worldwide for real...just don't forget you're making my own dress too" she commented sheepishly eyeing Claire's gown back and forth as I chortled at her word.

Not like she have a steady boyfriend yet she's already thinking of her marriage gown.

"River?" Claire peered her eyes at her cheesy words leaving me to chuckle then she turned to me...

"Honestly... Babe you're born to design" she said for the nth time today.

"You girls are making me cringe already" I stated trying not to let their flatteries get to me.

"But it's the truth"

At the Cathedral, I was only anticipating for one person that I haven't seen for over a month now even if my brains doesn't want to, my heart and body will always betray me.

My eyes glued at the entrance of the hall for a glimpse of the handsome devil who won't stop lingering in my head.

Suddenly, My heart raced erratically just as a Ranger stopped at the entrance of the hall as three handsome men came down but my eyes stayed glued at the most handsome one.

I was mesmerized at his Tuxedo suite. He doesn't even need to make effort, he just had the beautiful aura naturally.

His tanned skin was gleaming under the radiant Sun.

The way he moved and removed his sunglasses sent some unknown shivers down my spine. I gasped at the beauty eradicating from him.

"Careful there...this guy will melt" Tirana whispered in my ears as my body jolted up in surprise.

"wh_what are you talking about?" I tried to keep my voice steady but she caught me anyways. As she nudged me at the shoulders.

Inside the Cathedral, I tried to keep my eyes on the couple at the altar but it's always traveling back to the direction where the handsome devil is settled at.

I sighed in frustration shutting my eyes... this guy doesn't even care about you and immediately I opened it, I regretted it as our eyes locked together for a moment but I used the last self-control in me to avert it away... it's happening again...

A woman more like a top Model came not long after and whispered something in his ears, he gave a charming smile to whatever the woman might have said to him... my body fumed up in an unknown emotion...Bianca what's wrong with you?

I stood up from where I sat and found my way to the rest room before I let the tears flow freely down my eyes.

I looked at myself in the mirror. "you've always been strong" I said to myself but I could feel tears forming again... why is my heart bleeding over and over again at the sight of Stefano not especially when he smiled to another woman. I thought I have grown past this... but his sight alone brings back everything I've tried so hard to bury from our past together.

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