Chapter 40:No way out

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Sometimes it's not the butterflies that tell you are in love. But the pain.


"Stop pacing will you? Except you want to leave a hole on my marbled floor" Finn grumbled staring at me with irritation beneath his dark amber eyes.

Here I am in his office at Moscow to seek my friend's help after my brief meeting with the Russian Prince.

I stopped pacing and turned to him...

He sighed deeply, staring at me with an amused eyes " you've called my Family name for the nth time today... trust me my friend you don't need to ask for permission to join the big family" he stated sarcastically clutching his hands together and resting them on his table.

I stared at him in irritation...If I wasn't in a confused state I would have knocked a sense out of him.

"Genrich... I'm confused" I rubbed my nape nervously sitting on the leather chair adjacent to his office.

"About?..." His eyes drew together at me...

"About my relationship with Bianca... I mean I don't even know" I sighed frustratedly.

"You don't know what?" He asked and I could feel his amber eyes on me.

"I discovered some truth about our relationship in the past...why she suddenly broke up with me..." I trailed off seeking for his help but he kept staring at me to finish my statement.

"I realized she did it to save me from her mother" I stood up and walked to his glass window showing the best view of Moscow City.

"and?" His eyes was still fidgeted at me.

"What do you mean and? Didn't you hear what I just said?" I reacted irately.

"I heard you well Amico... I just don't see the problem here... Tell me what exactly is wrong with you?" He said giving me a pointed look.

"Finn I can't go down that lane again... " I rubbed my jaw warily.

"I'm not sure I can continue to keep seeing her if she didn't trust me to tell me the truth in the past ...she can do it again and heaven knows what I'll do this time..." I ran out of words as I took my sit again on the leather sofa.

"You think she didn't trust you that's why she broke your heart? You just told me she did it to protect you..." He cocked his eyebrow at me.

"Yes that exactly is the point...why didn't she tell me to save us both from this dilemma?" I grumbled feeling confounded.

"Because she loves you...any woman will do that" He furrowed his brows at me as if he was stating the obvious but hell no.

I stood up and paced to the other end of the window. Sitting down burns me in within... I feel suffocated and I really need to unleash out all my frustrations but he was still not getting it...

"Finn you don't understand...

"You're the one making it hard for yourself...stop trying to fight what cannot be fought" He shrugged nonchalantly trying to make me cogitate.

"I'm not fighting anything... I can't go down the lane again...I can't be burned twice" My voice was gruff as I rubbed my hair in frustration.

My friend was just looking at me in amusement.

I wanted to wipe out the smug smile on his face...I'm sure he's enjoying this...

Probably I shouldn't have come here as his words are making me angry instead of better.

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