Chapter 20: is it jealousy?

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This chapter is dedicated to Haleemah2004 for her support and always looking up to the next update.... Infact she made me drop three chapters tonight which wasn't originally planned for but I did it for her....thanks babe😚

Loving her is a losing game

Bianca's pov

"Care to explain what you're doing here with my interim Trent?" He said with a spleen of anger in his voice which made me wonder why he was boiling up...

"It's lunch time Boss... we're here to eat" He said with a proud smile. I looked up for the first time as my eyes locked with the beautiful golden eyes which was cold and distant.

He averted his eyes from mine like I was some pests.

"Lunch time is over..." He said with an expressionless face towards Raphael.

"Retire back to your office... There's a meeting by 3pm Ms. Bennett" he continued with his eyes still glued at Raphael before he walked away with his bodyguard Ivan who was silent throughout the whole rukus.

I was pissed off... what right did he have to come here and spoil my lunch all because he's the CEO? I also have my own right as a worker and I didn't even disobey any rule whatsoever.

"I'm not done with my Lunch Mr. Alcantara" I said out of the blue forcing him to stop on his track. It took him a while to process before he turned towards me.

"Care to repeat that?" He said furiously

" I said I'm not yet done... You cannot just barge in here all in the name of being the boss and tell me what to do at my break period. This is my lunch break and I intend on staying till it ends" I said in a breath which made everyone stunned at my action at the Cafeteria.

Ivan had this playing smile on his face which he was trying to hide, Raphael was also stunned at my action while Stefano just stared at me blankly.

It was hard to read his mind. He was about to say something but Ivan nudged him gently at his elbow.

" See you by 3pm Ms. Bennett..." Ivan said with a pleading eyes and pulled Stefano away from the Cafeteria.

I sat back and took the last piece of dessert into my mouth which ended up tasting blandly.

Raphael just kept staring at me. The way he scanned my face was blinding as I could feel it in my soul.

" You want me to choke me with your intense stare right?" I said sarcastically.

" You're really one hell of a woman" he said with smile playing on his lips. I chuckled.

"What's your deal with the boss?" He said from nowhere as I almost choked on my water.

"Careful mi cara" he said stretching the wipes to me

"Thanks" I said in a beam smile.

"Are you going to answer my question?" He said again not giving up.

"What if I say no?" I said smiling cynically

"You should know I won't take that for an answer but if you don't want to talk about it...then it's fine" he said still with his fixed smile.

I love that he's not pushing me to talk... but can I even trust him with this? I mean I really need someone to talk to about my whole shits with Stefano for the past few weeks here.

After some deafening silence.

" He was my first love" I blurted out . I looked up at him to study is reaction but I got none.

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